Educational Entrepreneurs
Preschool Resources
Jan Brett's Home Pages
Margot's Parenting and Teaching Home Page
Irish Mermaid's Home School Helps
The History Channel
Today in History
Florida Museum of Natural History
Encyclopedia of Women
(crafted by a third grade class)
Encyclopedia of Cleveland, Ohio
Nice search engine with filter already in place.
Links 2go
diagram style
Smithsonian Institute
University Reference Library
Information Please
The Internet Encyclopedia of Phylosophy
-look up meanings of symbols
Home Improvement and Repair
Catholic Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia of the History of Canada
Encyclopedia Americana
Encyclopedia of Botany
Encyclopedia of Musical Instruments
Educational resources
Everything for kids at About.com
huge list of sites on writing and English usage
translators and dictionaries
The Bible
-search for word or passage, different versions
your dicitionary
Many dictionaries to choose from
Ask Dr. Math,
math worksheet generator,
you supply the numbers
Basic Science
lots of links to science resourses
The National Geographic Society
Why is the sky dark at night?
Sounds of animals in words, different languages
International Museum of the Horse
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Incredible photos and explanations daily.
Be sure to check out the Archives link.
fun story, lots of clicks!
The Cleveland Museum of Art
hundreds of links to museums, collections, art magazine sites
Official U.S. time
map generator
Real time flight tracker,
major airlines
Find latitude and longitude of any two places
related sites, including sign language
Color Picker Wheel
Movie ratings
with Kids-in-mind
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