This is a candle holder I made for this years halloween. It is fairly simple to make. I used a 4 foot length of 1"&1/2" inch dowel, 2 pieces of 1"x2" 18 inches long cut at a 45 on both ends and fastened together with glue and screws. a base made from ply wood of your choice mine is round (that's what I had) And for candle holders I used some old balusters from a stair way that I cut with a 45 on one end and a 90 on the other, then drilled a 5/8ths hole in the center to accept the candle and then screwed it from the bottom of the 1x2. 45 angle on the bottom I don't have any pictures of it, I don't have anyway of posting them no scanner. but the drawing is very close to specs.I got the idea that they would make good effects like for a funereal parlor room or something like that.
to see some construction examples click here
If you have any comments or suggestions you can e-mail me at-