*last updated on May 15, 2006*

a note from Bren...... pay attention and you may learn something you didn't know before ...

a note from Bren......What does it profit a man to gain the whole world......and lose his soul?

* must have ie 5 or above for this button to work *

a note from Bren......What is right...is often forgotten...by what is convenient

thru this site you will see alot of lil notes from me....take the time to read them.....some you may agree with...others.....well if ya don't....
bite me ;) .....these are my thoughts.....things i've heard....read or thought before... things that mean something............................. to me.......


a note from Bren...... No man is worth your tears and the only One who is will never make you cry....

O MY Luve's like a red red rose,
  That's newly sprung in June:
O my Luve's like the melodie,
  That's sweetly play'd in tune.

As far art though, my baby lad,
  So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
  Till a' the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
  And the rocks melt wi' the sun;
I will luve thee still, my dear,
  While the sands o' life shall run.

And fare-thee-well, my only Luve!
  And fare-thee-well, a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,
  Tho' 'twere ten thousand mile!

a note FOR Bren.....

a note from Bren......

"The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends.
I mean, life is tough.  It takes up a lot of your time.
What do you get at the end of it?  A death.
What's that, a bonus?
I think the life cycle is all backwards.
You should die first, get it out of the way.
Then you live in an old age home.
You get kicked out when you're too young,
you get a gold watch, you go to work.
You work forty years until you're young
enough to enjoy your retirement.
You do drugs, alcohol, you party,
you get ready for high school.
You go to grade school,
you become a kid, you play,
you have no responsibilities,
you become a little baby,
you go back into the womb,
you spend your last nine months floating...
you finish off as an orgasm."


slowly I turn.. 
there she is
my dreans are answered
my prayers given life
shall I aproach her..
or will the beauty overwhelm me
I need to feel the touch of her skin 
the taste of her lips ..
but is she really there 
the beauty does overwhelm me 
I am now one with my feelings 
no turning back 
Im all hers ..does she love me

a note from Bren...... Some of God's greatest gifts....are unanswered prayers

     Her hair waved as if to say bye
     My mind wandered to that forgotten day
     When I said hi and she responded
     And I sat down tried not to cry

     She will be here in my heart
     Her memories will never part
     For though shes left and we've never met
     I will grieve for my friend

a note FOR Bren.....from Chris!

a note from Bren...... If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome

Sand and Water

I Will Still Love You


The wonderful thing about falling in love 
is that you learn everything about that person
and so quickly......

and....if it's TRUE LOVE you start to see yourself
thru their eyes and it brings out the best in you....

almost as if..........
you're falling in love with yourself...


Jokes and Pictures

Special Songs


One Of My 3 FavOrite Albums!

Snow Days.....

Reality.....for me

Oldies...but goodies!


a final note from Bren.....
S U C K !