Inside Jokes!


Do the campers have to wear pants?... It smells good.. and bad.. at the same time!... I have a twin brother named Steven. We both have long blonde hair and big blue eyes!...Luuucretia!...Stupid penny whistles!...OMG it's the hot bagpiper!...Rats! or should i say.. Reeathhss!.. or maybe.. Star!...can't think of anymore at the moment.. i'll come back to this!


Neil: Zephyr.
Lil: Are his eyes knock-your-breath out blue?? :) That's rock!!! We have a psychopathic connection!
Jennifer: Air-tight packaging! Yuck. Ooh look, there's a squirrel, i'll shoot myself with a cannon!
Chris: I want to eat the babies. NOW.
Wigs: Eww this apple pie is COLD! Triple dubs! Ask Claire if she's ever worn cheese on her head. But these stores are only for rich people who beat their grandchildren with shopping bags and tie balloons to peoples heads!
Lillian: Digs go quink!!! Chinese acid torture.. muhaha.
Study Hall: Windowbreaker! Panel breaker! Goggle breaker! Mouse breaker! Hahaha! That's not a very cool thing to do! The lump or the ..yeah.. LOL!
Neil: Sweetness!
Caroline M: I got it! I got it! No I don't! Ouch!
David D: I'm the cute psychic! Aww.. Vocceyball is sweer! 8609600 LITHIUM! I'm so lost..


Butter!... Why do they always do the peace sign at the end of the commercial?... It's only a figment of your imagination...Cookies! (leap!)...The Portal Potty!, and the Days of the Week!...Pickled Hen! There's are party! A party? A party! (song)...Alice, Clarice, and Helen!...Lillian's dyslexia...Meg.. I mean.. Malory.. I mean.. Lillian!!...Ow!...Ugh, my clothes smell like Mr. Paul!...Great Plan Guys....Moccasin breakdown!!!...Sweetheart!...Lillian's way of playing chess...Good thing I have such great reflexes....You pulled a Sean...Magical Prince...Celtic Warrior...Flute Song...You see that leaf, the one at the very top of the tree?...Chili Bob! Chili Joe, Chili Billy, etc...Sacrificing during Capture the Flag...Sardines in the thorns...Coyote calls...You have a heart shaped smudge on your neck! Ohh lemme see! Ouch!...Grimace!...Ripping, falling down skirts...Hoe Cake Heist!!! The history of soap!...


Lillian: Yipee Skippee! :( Pez! Jamal and Michelle..Hehe. I'm Secu and you're Rity! I think I still have that... lol!
Lillian: David Dickens! Hahaha! It's been a long long long long long long long long...Except for the whole.. not thing!
Lillian: Gnarf! B-a-bay, b-e-bee, b-i-bickey bi b-o-bo...You know my son..
Lil:: Ask her out already!!!
David D & Lil: Hey look! I caught a squirrel!!!!
Caroline: Santa gushed out of the chimney with bubbling eyes! He's such a joy-spreader! But Alyssa only gets a pile of coal. She's a bad girl.
Lillian: Pink shirt boy, PINK HAIR BOY!!
Lillian, Caroline, Christanna, Greg: I love H.G.I.S.!!
Lillian: Freaky freaks in yellow, they eat moldy jello! Freaky freaks in yellow, they like to play the cello! Freaky freaks in yellow....
Lillian: Bob the Singer & Maggie and the ferocious Bob!
Caroline: Pink yellow green yellow pink yellow orange!
Lillian, Christanna: Hairy Gorillas In Speedos!
Christanna:All my buddies are on AOL!
Lillian & Christanna: Are you jumping your man? Or maybe are you jumping Martin's cat's man?
Christanna, Brandi, Catherine, Caroline, Lillian, Sara, Ariana, umm anybody else?: Watch out the fishy girl is coming!
Wiggins: Insider jokes! :) I'm wearing a long sleeved tshirt and and long legged pants!!
Lillian, Tyler M, Caroline V, & Alex: Everydoby's goob!!!!

More coming soon....

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