Welcome to  ZT Force Parent's Page...

CALENDAR PAGE TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE Aquire the Fire coming September 22 &23 in Tyler, the Lock-in AND OTHER EVENTS...

Parents, we would like to thank you for sharing your wonderful pre-teens with us.  We consider it a blessing to be able to share Jesus and the truth that even at a young age a true relationship is possible.  Teaching young people that they can depend on Jesus for all their needs and that yes, Jesus does know what they are going thru is truly an amazing blessing for us.  Now we would like to share a little about ZT Force with you...

Who oversees ZT Force?
ZT Force is run by a staff of people who bring a variety of gifts to the group.  Mr. David and his wife Melany head up ZT Force and answer to the Pastor Clayton, the Children's pastor at Church on the Rock.  With careful guidelines and a Biblical foundation, ZT Force is able to run smoothly.  The staff are ready to answer any of your questions.

What is ZT Force?
ZT stands for Zero Tolerance to the devil.  This is what we try to instill in the lives of young people.  Ephesians 4:27 says, "Give no place to the devil"

What goes on at ZT Force?
Relationships are built from young person to young person, and from staff members to young person.  Young people need to see other young people living for God so they can encourage one another as Hebrews 10:25 says, "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching" (KJV).

We meet every Wednesday night at Church on the Rock, in room 301 and 302 for praise and worship, and wonderful lessons geared for the things that 5th and 6th graders are facing each day, guiding them in their walk with God, according to God's Word.

Once a month we have 'Blow Outs', a time for 5th and 6th graders to get together and have fun.  There is Free food (all they can eat), games, prizes, praise and worship, and a quick lesson or words of encouragement.  Parents are welcome to drop in and see what goes on anytime.

How do I know what is going on?
Once a month your 5th or 6th grader will receive a ZT Force newsletter, and a flyer will be sent about the 'Blow Out' each month.  Anything else going on will be on a flyer available during class on Wednesday nights.

We meet Sunday mornings after praise and worship, and on Wednesday nights at 7:00 in rooms 301 & 302.  Our 'Blow Outs' are the 3rd Friday evening of each month from 6:30-9:00.

A note from Mr. Dave and Melany:

Dear Parents,
   More and more of our young people are faced with challenges and decisions that they are not exactly prepared to handle.  The transition between childhood and adolesence is sometimes a difficult one.  Our goal is to provide a bridge between children's ministry and early adolesence.  This bridge will provide a foundation of spiritual development and physical fellowship.
  We are excited at ZT!  Thanks for being a part.
God Bless,
Dave and Melany

Teachers for Sunday morning ZT Force classes.  If God has been leading you into teaching, perhaps this is where you need to be.  Talk to Pastor Clayton or Mr. Dave.


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