OMGOD June 21, 12:30AM, 2004

DADADADA BATMAN June 20, 12:05AM, 2004
SUPER WOW! Number 16 and 17 are out and about! Watch your underpants now!

The Lispy Chick June 16, 12:17AM, 2004
Attention Attention, comic 15 is now out! A new character is introduced, just try and understand her!

Society = WTF June 14, 1:25PM, 2004
Ok, so I get back from V.J.'s house today at lunch and this huge broup of people come walking around the corner of the school. There's some yelling and name calling and I'm thinking "Well, you don't see this happen on such a large scale every day." Well apparently these two guys were gonna fight because this one guys girlfriend got drunk then the other guy took advantage of her. So everybody is mad at each other trying to throw the blame. I can't believe how retarded people are. First of all if Ericka (who happens to be in Fung and Oukma 14 ironicly) hadn't of gotten hammered in the first place then she wouldn't have been vulnrable. And what really gets me is the other guy who took advantage of her. What a fucking moron. I can't believe that someone would knowingly get a drunk teenage girl to preform oral sex. I really hope this kid gets his fucking face beaten in. What a flaming idiot. He obviously has no respect at all for women and is driven completely by sex alone. Oh and guess what else? He's on of the "popular" jock kids. Figures eh?

Jordan hates iMacs June 14, 9:52AM, 2004
You know what really bugs me? School. Filled with cocky dumb-asses, prissy sluts, and nerdy annoying kids. Teachers that pick on you, an incompetent principal, and crappy iMacs that don't even have flash 5 player. It pisses me off. I mean if the school can afford to buy $1000 dollars worth of crappy 3D animation software then they should at least put the effort in to update these computers a little. And why are they using macs anyways? Sure, they're a bit more stable than Windows, but why not just get XP or 2000? Those OS versions are just as stable as Mac OS9. Plus with Macs your limited with what you can do. Most things are designed for Windows. Another thing I really hate is how Macs don't work with certain files depending what you saved them with. On Windows, no matter what you save it with it opens with any other program. Not to mention they're fucking fat-asses. They gotta weight at least 20 pounds each. Macs are fucking retarded.

Fourteen June 12, 7:52PM, 2004
Number 14 is out.

Vote! June 3, 10:28PM, 2004
Hello Fung and Oukma fans, Jordan and I have decided we would like to hear from you! We would would love for you to send an email stating your favorite Fung and Oukma! To either Jordan or myself, where you can reach our emails in "about us" page. Oh and by the way number 13 is out!

OWNED AHHH HAHAHAHA May 31, 9:42PM, 2004

I've been banished.. from my computer May 27, 11:25PM, 2004
I'm in the compter lab at my school right now writing this update. My parents have tooken away my computer privleges because I didn't do my stupid math study guide. So a new Fung and Oukma won't be ready until after Sunday. Sorry.

I'm going CHRON! May 25, 8:25PM, 2004
Andrews Adventures in Purgatory is no more… This episode was created by myself, once again with the Help of Jordan, Wow I’m going Comic Chron WHOA! Two In one day Wow! Go ME! Oh and Jordan, enjoy.

Andrew's Adventures Continue... May 25, 2:05 AM, 2004
Andrew's adventures continue, in this newly made episode, with combined teamwork of myself and Jordan. This is my first one I made so be nice, oh and enjoy.

The Story behind Fung and Oukma May 24, 9:11 PM, 2004
Some of you are probably wondering how the hell Fung and Oukma came to be, and why the fuck it is called Fung and Oukma. Well I’m going to tell you. It all started a month ago when Jordan was going out with this chick Tonia, but I could not spell her name then so I just called her Tona. Then out of nowhere Jordan like fine your new name is Fung now, and I said fine and I shall call you Oukma so that is why it is called Fung and Oukma. It’s completely random, but that’s how we named it. I’m not too sure how we decided to make a comic, I believe Jordan (Oukma) said he was going to make a comic called The Adventures of Fung and Oukma. I just agreed and started naming random plots and that’s how it came to be. Oh and the plots aren't supposed to make sense they are just completely random scenarios.

F&O number 11 May 22, 5:24 PM, 2004
This just in!! I updated!! Fung and Oukma number 11 is now out! Take a look! Oh, and I added a hit counter to the bottom of the splash page. Don't mind the little link, it's just an advertisment that's manditory. Well, enjoy F&O #11!

That's right.. We sell stuff May 22, 12:44 AM, 2004
I linked the new merchandise page to our Cafepress stores. Yay. We have merchandise. Check it out. And I added 3 display pics to the downloads page.

We're officially hardcore now May 21, 9:57 PM, 2004
My basement flooded so I haven't been working on a next comic. Sorry guys. But on a better note, Fung and Oukma is officially hardcore now. I got my first hate mail today. What I don't get why people can't just not read the comic. If they hate it so much they don't have to bitch about it. It's not like they're being forced to read it. And they have absolutely no right at all to tell me how much it sucks unless they can make better. So for all those asswipes out there who send hate mail to people because they have nothing better to do and are obviously feeling so shitty about them selves that they have to put others down, go eat a big fat juicy horse dick.

AAIP #2 out May 19, 11:33 PM, 2004
I've released Andrew's Adventures in Purgatory number two. A new character is introduced. And it's all in sloppy spanish. Fun fun!

First Update! WOO! May 17, 10:55 PM, 2004
Fung and Oukma is here, all eleven episodes (one or two new each week). Right now its getting into a mini-series featuring Andrew. It shouldn't last more than 3 or 4 episodes. I might put up sprite sheets later on, but chances are I'll just put up some MSN Display pics.