WHO AM I ...???
That's Me... Say hi me...
My name is Jimmy.  I'm fithteen, and I am a freshman at Pottstown High school.  Those who don't really know me consider me the quiet normal type, but I'm not.  I have I side that not many people know about.  Only the bestestfriends know the true me.  My friends are my life without them I wouldn't be here.   
My interests:
            , Marching Band, Bike riding, acting stupid,                  , Safety-Pins, Wondering the streets at night, and Hanging out with my friends.
If you are  my friend and ain't here then give me your picture.  And I'll add you.
My Music:
Ozzy Ozbourn, Slipknot, GreenDay, Evanescence,
Kelly Ozbourn, Queen, LinkinPark, Pink Floid, Good Charlote
My Chemical Romance, Disturbed, AC/DC, ? Maralyn Mansno.
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My Live Journal will keep you up to date with all of the events in my life of coarse I won't let just anyone read it.