More Codes

More Game Boy Codes and Hints!


WARNING: Some of these might be fake!

WARNING: Missingno is said to be a virus. It could delete your saved game and even your Pokemon game it self. Neither I nor Nintendo of America Inc. is responsible if your Pokemon game or any saved games are erased. Get Missingno at your own risk!

Missingno is a bunch of pokemon you can't catch in your version of the game. The computer creates it in replace of wild Pokemon. All you have to do is go to Viridian City, talk to the guy who tells you how to catch a pokemon, then fly to Cinnabar and surf up and down the right coast so that you look like your half on water, half on land. You can also get some majorly high-leveled pokemon like this, at levels 139 and 140. Even 80.

Note: The only way to fix your game once missingno has messed it up is to release the pokemon!

Missingno's gifts

This code is a real pleaser because you can get anywhere from 10 to 99 extra items. What you do is pick a item you want a lot of. I suggest a masterball. Then make it the sixth item on your list. Follow the Missingno code, but when the weird pokemon shows up, RUN AWAY! When you get away, check your items, and the sixth item will have like a block or a little wiggling flower in the number. You can get from 10 to 99 extra things with this code. I've done it, it works! Note: The only thing bad is that your Hall of Fame gets messed up.

Keeping a pokemon above Level 100

To do this, battle the pokemon with people above level 80. If you go below 80, the pokemon will go back to level 100.

Poke Gods

Ppl have told me how to get two Poke Gods. First you must get all 150 pokemon. Then you put Moltres,Articuno, and Zapdos at the top of your list. Go to Sapphron city and talk to the phycic guy who gave you the phycic TM. He'll tell you about the Pokegods.


Go to the water next to the "unknown dungeon" and use the itemfinder. Soon, you should find a note inside a pokeball( Swim around while pressing A button to get it) telling you about a mysterious pokemon near Cinnabar Island. Swim up and down the coast (right side, I think) until you find pikablu. He's tough, so be ready! He has Ice and Electric powers.


Put the three legendary birds at the top of your active list(Articuno, Moltres,and Zapdos)then go to the top floor of the Celadon city departement store. Talk to the thirsty girl who wines for a drink. Talk to her 100 times till she offers you a Flareth to go away.

Secret Coins

There are many secret coins all over the game corner. To get them just walk around the place and keep pressing the (A) button.

Trade Pokemon without really trading Warning: This code could mess up your game

This code is really great because you can give someone a Pokemon that you have and keep it your self! First, trade a Pokemon that you want both of you to have for a junk pokemon that your friend gives you. When the Game Boy of the good Pokemon's screen says "waiting", get ready to shut the other one off. When the waiting disappears, turn off the Game Boy that's getting the bad Pokemon. When the other one says trade completer, turn that one off too. When you turn the games back on then both should have the good Pokemon!

Master Ball Cheat

This cheat is so that a Great Ball acts like a Master Ball. Just throw the Great Ball and press and hold up and "b" while the ball is going and you should catch the Pokemon!

Two ways to catch a Mew:

first, for ppl who have already gone on the ss anne and can't get mew that way

Get all 150 pokemon. Fly to Cealdon. Battle with someone in the collisium. Go to the place where you got eevee and Mew will be waiting there in a pokeball.

S.S. Anne way to catch mew

DO NOT GO ON THE S.S. ANNE. Instead, trade with someone who has the cut ability and get them to teach it to your pokemon. When you have beaten the game and have all 150 pokemon, go surf around the back of s.s.anne. Use strength to push it out of the way. Mew will be in a pokeball