Name:Ash Ketchum
Pokemon:Pikachu,Bulbasaur,Squirtle,Charizard,Muk, Crabby,Pidgeotto and Primape
Likes:Pokemon and Badges
Home town:Pallet Town
Ultimate Goal:To be the ultimate pokemon trainer in the World!
More info:Ash is a stubborn and anxious pokemon trainer. He is the main character of the hit t.v. show Pokemon. He is always trying to catch up with his arrival, Gary.
Pokemon:Onix, Vulpix, Zubat and Geodude
Likes:Girls, girls, girls and food
Dislikes:Team Rocket
Hometown:Pewter City
Ultimate Goal:To become the best pokemon breeder More Info:Brok used to be the leader of the Pewter city Gym. He loves girls. Brok specializes in rock pokemon. He dreams to be the best pokemon breeder in the world. In his spare time he makes special food for pokemon.
Pokemon:Horsea, Star U, Starmie, Togepi and Psyduck
Likes:Water pokemon and loving Togepi
Dislikes:Psyduck and mostly Ash and sometimes Brok
Home Town:Cerulean City
Ultimate Goal:To be the best of everything
More Info:Misty joined the gang because all she wanted was her bike from Ash. Misty loves water pokemon and is whining all the time. Her prized possession is Togepi.
Name:Gary Oak
Pokemon: Unknown
Likes:Pokemon and bragging
Hometown:Pallet Town
Ultimate Goal:To become the ultimate Trainer
More Info:Gary is very determined to become the greatest pokemon trainer in the world. He is a real jerk and is always trying to be better then Ash. He is the grandson of Professor Oak.