Start Here if you are still without a diagnosis: Wisconsin First Step: This is the first place you should call for multiple resources! (800)642-STEP The Waisman Center: Multiple Resorces for Familes (608)263-5776 or (608)263-5910 Children with Special Health Care Needs Project: (as of 1/1/2000 contact the Waisman Center for South Central Wisconsin they are also in charge of the Wisconsin MA program called Katie Beckett) Local Health Dept: Rock Co. Health Dept.608-757-5440, Green Co. Health Dept.608-328-9390, Jefferson Co.Health Dept. 920-674-7275, Beloit City Health Dept 608-364-6630 Developmental Disabilities Board:608-757-5050 (includes Family Support Program, TLC/Birth to Three, Supported Parenting Program, Counseling) To Locate the Family Support Program in your Area : 1-800-642-7837, 1-800-282-1663 (TDD) To Locate the Birth to 3 Program in your Area:1-800-642-STEP (Voice and TDD) Respite Care: Call WI First Step, Your County Dept. of Human Services, Local ARC (link listed above for national), or United Cerebral Palsey Medical Assistance:1-800-722-2295 (inquire into Katie Beckett program in your area). In Southern Wisconsin Katie Beckett Information 1-608-265-4102 Insurance:1-800-828-4777 Adaptive Equipment: Country Home Care, Tina, 608-879-2187
If your child has been diagnosed with Autism: These agencies can help you begin therapy: Autism and Behavioral Consultants: ABA/Lovaas Therapy: Fond du lac (920)926-1255 Wisconsin Early Autism Project: ABA/Lovaas Therapy for Autism: Madison, WI (608)288-9040 - Green Bay (920)431-3380 - Wauwatosa (414) 479-9798 Integrated Development Services: Play Therapy: Madison, WI (608)441-0123 Families with Autism Resource and Counceling Center: ABA/Lovaas Therapy for Autism: Middleton, WI (608)218-9790
Legal Advice for Insurance Disputes: ABC for Health Care: Health Insurance Advocacy 1-800-585-4222
Autism Resources: Autism Research Institute: (619)563-6840 Autism Society of America: (301)657-0881 Autism Society Wisconsin: (920)993-0279 (888) 4-AUTISM (WI only)
Autism Biomedical Resources Dr. William Shaw, Great Plains Laboratory: Organic Acid and Urinary Peptide Testing (913)341-8949 GFCF Diet |