Wisconsin Parents of Children
with Developmental Delays/Autism

Click Here for places in Wisconsin to contact for help if you have a child with developmental delays

LINKS: (more to come)
New! Southeastern Chapter of Autism Society of WI
The Arc - US
PECS - Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc.
PECS Pictures
Autism Society of Wisconsin (many useful links)
Waisman Center - Madison, WI
Wisconsin Early Autism Project - intensive in-home therapy
Resources: Cognitive Disabilities/Mental Retardation
Definitions of Several Disorders, NICHCY
PEP-WI (Parent Education Project of Wisconsin, Inc.)
Family Village (Multiple Resources for Families)
Family Village (Wisconsin Resource page)
ADD Information
Comeback Jack (Autism resources)

Wisconsin Autism Conference 2002
April 12-13
Green Lake Conference Center

Presented by Autism Society Wisconsin This conference is definately worth attending! The information shared is invaluable and you also make connections with other parents.

Circles of Life 2002
April 25-26
Madison Marriott West

For families of children with disabilities. This conference encompasses a wide range of topics and many families and professionals from across the state attend. It is a great opportunity to make connections with professionals and other parents.

1) Medical Assistance Transportation - Is everyone familiar with this program?  It allows reimbursement for travel expenses related to MA covered medical appointments.  Call your county  job center for more information.

2) Looking for line therapists in Madison, WI  vicinity.  Requires one year of college level study and a genuine interest in helping children with autism.  If interested use the Contact Us! link in the bottom right portion of this page.

3) Follow these links for some inspiring, well put poetry on being a parent of a child with developmental delays:

Welcome to Holland          Before I Go To Sleep

Our Mission

To provide families of children with developmental delays, including autistic spectrum disorders (PDD) with support and information.

Please feel free to email me anytime using the contact us! button in the bottom right corner of the page!

CHAT / Live Online - (Voice Chat Capability):

You need Java to see this applet.

Contact us!

Monthly Tidbit Corner: If you have a child with autistic spectrum disorder, are you aware that a gluten and casein free diet could help your child?  If not, check out these websites for more information: www.gfcfdiet.com or www.autismndi.com.