Jill's Home Page
Welcome to Jill's Home Page. Today is January 19, 2008 and it has been quite awhile since I added any new memories to Jill's page. Jill turned 9 years old in January this year. I will be adding pictures from her 9th birthday party soon.
Click on Jill's picture below to go to her Christmas, 2005, party.
Jill came into the world on January 3, 1999, weighing in at 6 pounds, 11.8 ounces, and stretching to 19 1/4 inch. She was born at St. Paul Hospital, in Dallas, Texas. Her full name is Juliana Noelle, but she goes by Jill. Her parents are Amanda, Michael, and siblings, twins, Molly & Reed, age 3 1/2 at that time. Jill was adopted and her parents have chosen an "open" adoption so that Jill can know her birth-family throughout her life. Jill went to her home on January 8th, at 5 days old. She is now 9 years old (January, 2008) and is in third grade. Here is Jill's Kindergarten school picture. Click on the thumbnail to see a larger copy of it.
Click on the birthday sign to see her 6th birthday party.
Here is a picture of Jill's 2004 Christmas card.

Click on Jill's baby picture to see pictures from her first week of life.

Click below to see Jill at 2 months old.
Jill 2 Months!
When Jill turned 6 months old, Katie and her mom, Mary, and friend, Vanessa, met Jill, Amanda and Molly for lunch. They had a great time of enjoying Jill. Click on Jill's picture to see some pictures from that visit.
When Jill was 1 1/2, she went to her first church camp. Click here to see a few pictures they took at camp.
Jill at Mo Ranch, 2000
Click on the teddy bear to see Jill at almost 2 1/2 years old!
Click on 3 year old Jill to see her meeting with her new friend, Blake.
Here is a picture that Jill at 4 years of age. Click on it to see a larger copy of it. What a little doll!!
When Jill was 4, she got to play with Katie and Blake at The Science Place at Fair Park. Click on the link below to see pictures from that fun day!
Playing with Friends at The Science Place - Summer, 2003
During Summer, 2004, Jill got to go back to Mo Ranch. Click on the "human dam" to see the pictures.
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My Guestbook
Come back again soon! Don't forget to sign the guestbook and let Jill know you stopped by!!
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