if you are on a browser and your window is not expanded, i highly advise you to expand your window so it is easier to view my page...you will have less scrolling around to that way~ ^_<
~*~*~*bAbY AnGeL's wErLd oF StUpH*~*~*~
welcome to baby angel's werld~ hope you enjoy my page and if you have n-e suggestions to make my page better, i'd be more than happy to hear from u cuz this page probably totally tinks cuz itz my first...well, technically my second, but my first one, that i made, i didn't really publish, so this techinically is my first one...
last updated---> 8/9/99
* nice to meet ya!! * --->meet AnGeL~
* eriko's family *
***BabY LoVe*** love love, such a wonderful thing....
* some of eriko's frenz * (goin thru some changes)
pics, pics, and more pics!!! ok ok, there aren't that many yet, but hey, itz UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!!!!
e-mail meeksterz herself!!!! mail her....here!