Hello and welcome to the "Have a good time with Barney page!!!"
Please check out the links to all the new features listed in here:
Ok, the first one, I´m making an album with little
Barney fans´ pictures from
all over the world,
if you want to be in it, just tell your mum or dad to send
me your pictures via e-mail, (my address is barney2@USA.net oh, and please, also send me some info about him/her so I can put it on the page.)
-Wanna see... How our album is going?
The second one is a superdeeduper slide show!
it has 24 pictures, (about 800k),
If you want to see it
click here!(i´ve also fixed this one now :)
And the third one, is a very special story, if you like
reading or listening to stories, then
This is your site! (I fixed it now, sorry for the broken link! :)
I sure have fun playing with you!
What can we do now??? Hmmm... looks like a pretty day for singing, doesn´t it?
Hey, do you wanna sing along with me and the gang?!?
I´m sure we´ll have fun!
Ok, click on a song and you will hear it! (wanna hear you singing too!) Ok?
The clapping song.
My theme song (Yankee.mid)
John Jacob Jingleheimer...
The eency weency spider...
Oh, Mr sun sun Mr golden sun...
Sure it's fun to play, but it's more fun if you take turns!"
So, what do you wanna be???"
Me and my teddy
It's fun to make things, especially with my bag!
Don't be afraid of the doctor,
he's your friend
Where, oh where, has my teddy bear gone?
Aren't friends special?
Growing we do it every day!...
Very good! Wow, after all those songs,
I guess we need a rest...
Hey I know a good thing we can do now! What about coloring?
I sure enjoy coloring with crayons!
Ok now, let´s go to our next stop:
Would you like to see my superdeeduper pictures?????
Ok then, what are we waiting for?
And do you know which is my favorite picture?
The one where I appear with all of my good friends, because I
Wow, after visiting all this stuff, I would like to...
give you a surprise! (click there for the large file)
Or here! (smaller one)
Links to other Barney Pages:
Hey check this great NEW page!!!
Check out Brad and Brett´s Barney page!
The new Barney sounds page!
Antony´s Barney page
Shawn´s Barney homepage.
Laura´s Barney page.
Amanda´s page.
It´s Brianna´s Barney homepage.
The Barney kids page
Barney and the Gang
The official Barney home page!
It's one of my favorite places.
It's Coriandre's Barney home page!
Barney links page
Blue's Barney page
Caitlin's Barney page
Well, it´s time for me to go, see ya soon!, thanks for coming over!
Please, sign my guest book so I´ll know you visited my page!
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since 8/1/98
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My e-mail address is: barney2@usa.net
© 1997 barney2@usa.net
José is a member of the