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Song of the Week: I Don't Want You To Want Me, Submodalities

Hey all you Moffatts fans! Time for another update on the here we go!
What's new this week:I've been trying to work on a huge update, it's tough considering my limited internet time and resources...I hope that i can get it done ASAP :) I'm working on the games section hopefully, too--any other ideas- email me! I'd love to hear from you! As well, I'd like to remind people that we DO have a site award for Moffatts sites- check out MMM Community to see that...Also a special thanks to anyone who's emailed me, whether they're wanting info or wanting to correct me *sigh, yes even I do make*I'd like to say THANK YOU! and YOU ROCK! and I'll reply ASAP...I promise :)
Other cool stuff in MMM Community is our MMM award, our You-Add-It-We-Post-It page..all automatic...and there's also info on the banner exchange I hope to set up, so all you moffmasters (aka Moffatt Webmasters) check it out- we can all get a lot more hits that way :)
Speaking of hits, we'd just like to remind you all to help us advertise! Hoits have been dwindling, and without hits, i have no need to update, so please tell friends about the site, come back regularly and actually participate in this website. Because I want it to be interactive! So add your links! Play the games! Leave messages on the board! (if you're looking for an e-pal, put em there, ok?) thanks a bunch, and happy 2001!

\m/ Meg
PS: Don't forget to sign our guestbook! Click the link below!!!

visitors since Nov. 26th/99
This site was last updated January 1st, 2001:)

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