This page is for us to keep y'all updated on things going on
with us!
The latest news to report is that our lives are going to be changing very soon.
Tim’s update
Tim has always had problems with his left lung. We have grown use
to it, if you ever really can, and is doing allot better with it. His breathing
has gotten allot better and has not had to take as much medication for it
as in the past. We now have a new challenge on our hands with his health!
He has been diagnosed with Klipple-Trenaunay syndrome. After doing a
a little research on it we have found that we need to do allot more! I will try
and give more information on it as we find out more.
October 12, 2003
Tim has moved into the next stage of KT. He has
nights and days to were the pain is to the point that
he can not walk and even times that he can not talk.
We are now in the process of getting him an electric
wheel chair. Please keep him in your hearts and
Sept. 5, 2004
Tim has an electric wheel chair and it has improved his life
in so many ways. He is able to get a round without pain. He
is playing in the marching band. He is marching into the stadium
and plays pre-game standing with the rest of the band. During the
half time show he is in his chair up with the pit section. He is
working hard to be able to march the whole program next year by
walking two miles each day. He is not letting the KT hold him back!!!
Sept 10, 2005
Sorry it has been a while since I have updated. Allot has changed
in a year! Since the last update we have found out that the KT has
spread to the right side of his body. Believe it or not it has pushed
Tim harder than ever! For those of you that know him, you know he is a
fighter! This year he is refusing to use his chair during marching season
and pushes his self to improve daily. He is either walking or riding his bike
to build up the strength in his legs. He has a very special friend that is
making his world so much brighter!!! Thank you so much Krysta!!!
Description of Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome
The K-T syndrome is a rare congenital malformation that may
include the following:
• Port-wine stain or "birthmark" (cutaneous capillary
• Soft tissue and bony hypertrophy (excessive growth of the
soft tissue and /or bones)
• Venous malformations & lymphatic abnormalities
Complications may include bleeding, cellulitis, venous thrombosis,
or pulmonary embolism. Associated abnormalities in other systems,
such as gigantism of toes, hand and feet anomalies, lymphedema, or
involvement of the abdominal and pelvic organs may also occur.
K-T usually is limited to one limb, but may occur in multiple limbs
and/or head or trunk area. Internal organs may be involved.
Each case of K-T is unique and may exhibit the above characteristics
to differing degrees.
The etiology of Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome is unknown. One
theory is that K-T may be caused by mesodermal abnormalities during
fetal development Another medical opinion suggests the cause may be the result
of mutation of a gene.
There is no known "cure" for the K-T Syndrome. Conservative
treatment of the symptoms seems to be the most effective, without
significant side effects. For example, elastic garments and pumps often relieve
the effects of lymphedema .The elastic garment is also helpful in protecting
the limb from trauma and decreasing the chances of bleeding from the hemangioma.
Laser therapy may reduce or eliminate port-wine stains. Surgical
procedures may be necessary to debulk excessive tissue, to excise veins
or hemangiomatous tissue or to correct uneven growth in limbs (epiphyseal arrest), for example.
Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) and Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) scans, and color doppler studies are useful in determining
the scope of the syndrome and how best to manage it.
The medical community at times has used the terms Klippel-
Trenaunay Syndrome and Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome interchangeably.
The consensus today is to distinguish K-T as hypertrophy
and varicosity associated with port-wine staining; K-T-W ( more correctly called
Parkes- Weber Syndrome) is similar but includes
significant arteriovenous malfomations with shunting.
Good news for a change! The country radio station here, EAGLE97
has a contest that they for special kids. It is called Disney Kids.
Tim was picked this week! He is going with Kim in December for 5 days
and 4 nights to Disney World! Kasey, Carolyn and me will be driving
to meet them too! I will be putting the sound bit on here as soon as I get
down loaded and worked out. Thanks to all that sent in letters for him!
I can not say how much it means to him!
I have found a great web sight that God has lead me to that is very
helpfull in understanding what is going on. It is at www.ktfoundation.com
and I hope you take the time to check it out!
June 28,2008
The newest here is that Tim will be leaving in Aug. for Jacksonville State
University!!!! I will be following him down when I retire in a few months!!!
Your Only Twelve
Your only twelve
With wisdom of an adult
And the heart of a child
Your only twelve
But walk through this world
Like a giant
Taking command of your life
Not giving in
You’re only twelve
Yet learning to
Give yourself to others
Showing us all how strong you are
A smile, a giggle and a laugh
You’re only twelve
But you have seen so much
In your short life
Never waving
Jumping right in
With a funny word and silly grin
You’re only twelve
Mary E. Laber
I asked God, why does it have to be him? With no
response I felt totally empty and alone. No way to
help, no way to comfort and no way to take the
pain away. Feeling helpless and confused I sat and
cried. Then it hit! The answer I was looking for was
there all along. His son gave his life so that we could
live and touched us in so many ways. Tim’s purpose
in life is much the same. He reaches out to others
and brings up every ones hopes and makes us forget
our own aches and pains. He overlooks his own
hardships and looks on the positive side of all things.
He lifts us up when we are down and raises us up
even higher when we are up. He was placed here
to remind us that all is bad has a positive side to it.
He is my inspiration and I thank God every day
that he is my son.
Thank you so much son,
Dad - Greatest Man Alive but nothing compaired to you!!!!
Oct 30, 2007
The latest news here is that Tim been accepted at Jacksonville State
University in Jacksonville, Alabama! I will moving there with him after I