I am still looking for the words but I will continue to strive for the best!
Everyone that ever came into contact with her, never left without a smile on
on their face. Not only did she bring two wounderfull lives into this world
with my Mother Edna and her brother Donavan but she was a wounderful wife to
my Grandfather Harold Cruz. She spent the majority of her life on the island of
Key West. After the passing of my Grandfather she came and lived with Mom, Dad,
and us kids. She touched each and everyone of us in so many ways. She touched
my life in such a way that I had no second thoughts about naming our duaghter
after her. In so many ways, she is growing up to be just like her Great
If asked one word to describe this special lady I would have to say no, but two
You have emulated the joy of hope and faith;
And spread a smile across every ones face,
All you have done for me in my life;
I have tried to share with my children and wife.
Although you are in heaven with all your desired glory;
You have left us with a beautiful story,
I thank you for touching my life in such a strong way;
I want you to know you thought of each and every day.
Till we meet again in the heavens above;
I will try and spread your words of faith and love,
Please continue to watch down on all of us;
And be proud in God and in you we trust!
Thank you so much my guardian angle!
Something I wrote a few years ago......
She slowly enters my dreams at night............
Ever loving and ever caring. As if she is standing
beside me, watching over me. Always the same.My guardian
angel. No other has ever meant more to me or inspired me
as much as she.
It started a few years ago on a hot Florida day in July.
All was going fine when she started feeling bad. Not
wanting to be a burden she just sat in her chair and
watched TV as she always did. Feeling the pain building
in her chest she talked of how good her life was.Growing
up in a tropical paradise and meeting the man of her dreams.
She spoke of all the good times they shared and how much she
missed him. She expressed how glad she was that after his
passing the daughter that she had raised had taken so good
care of her. And the son in-law had welcomed her into their
home, not complaining of the inconvenience. With the pain
growing deep within, she reached for her medicine. Still
talking of the good times she kept a smile on her face. So
proud to have a grand daughter named after her. She was beginning
to feel better and went to get cleaned up when she stopped
breathing. I did all I could do, I pray to God, but it was
not enough. We lost a wonderful lady and our best friend.
She went to live with her husband and the all mighty God up
above. But yet she is still with us in our thoughts, in our
hearts and in our minds.
She still visits me at night in my sleep, letting me know
she still cares. I will never forget that day. When she
appears to me she is no longer in the pain of this earth.
Her body is whole again. No more diabetes holding her back
and no more pain in her legs or feet. A body so pure and
heavenly as the day she first came to this earth. She is
young again not only in mind but in body. She does not say
a word but yet I know what she is saying. She places her hands
on me but I do not feel. Gentle as the air and strong as the
sea. I'll never stop loving her and she'll never stop loving me.
So stay with me in my dreams and I promise not to forget. Daughter,
Mother, Grandmother, and Friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!