to Star Kid Crafts! Here
you will find a website designed
for the crafty kid. This site was
originally thought out to be a
resource for teachers. However, I
found that all sorts of people
find the site interesting and
uplifting. I have tried to
include recipes and ideas for all
sorts of things. Use the ideas as
fun time spent with your
children, as lesson plan
enhancers, or anything else that
comes to mind. Don't forget to
share your ideas by visiting the
comment page.
If you have
a special craft you would like to
share, drop it by the comment
page and I can list it here for
you (giving you credit of

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Well, it is that
time of year again when the
children go back to school and
learn wonderful new ideas. Have a
great idea to share here? Just
leave us a comment! Good luck
to all you kids in your new
adventures this school year!