Thanks to everyone that comes to see my little part of the web.  I have finally decided to start somewhat of a home page.  I hope that you have come here with an open mind and heart, and possibly will find something of use or interest during your stay here.

This page will take a few minutes to load, but I think you will be pleased once it does.


I am currently working on these pages and am adding things as I have time..  I have so many ideas for some truly wonderful things, and am trying to find the time to do them all.  For myself and for you, my fellow Pagans I dedicate this page to us all.

~*~Of a like mind and spirit in the Goddess~*~

Pagan Page Guardian Blessing
Animals of the earth,
your energies are abound.
Animals of the earth,
watch your page without a sound.
Keep bad energies at a distance,
and may the goddess bless all around.
Do your job, and do it right,
and you'll be surrounded by love abound!

(I have lost the URL for where I received this lovely
page Guardian.  So if anyone could tell me it would be greatly
appreciated as I would love to give proper credit.)

You are the  Sister/Brother to visit this page...
Bright Blessings to all of you...



I have added a site for my permanent adoptions.  I will be adding a page here and there for my lil' friends that were adopted for special holidays so that they will have a permanent home.  To see them at any time go here....  Be warned...  It is quite extensive.  Over 90 pages so far and many more still to post...

Full Moons for 1999

Full Moon Table

The Witch's Sabbats ...


Some other things of interest ...

Sacred Trees of the Celts
A Prayer for Kosovo
History of the Pentacle
Crystals - Gems & Minerals
Herbs and their Magickal Properties
The Druids
The Tools
Candle Magick
The Witches Rune
The Malleus  Maleficarum
The Witches Ballad
Irish Toasts
The Witches Creed
The Charge of the Dark Goddess
The Charge of the Dark God
Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology
The Celts
Irish Curses
Witch Terminology
Celtic Feasting
The Burning Times and Salem
Basic Spell Construction
Landmarks of the Craft
The Wiccan Rede
Celtic Gods and Goddesses
Circle Casting and Closing
 Charge of the Goddess
Charge of the God
Scott Cunningham's ~The Law~

Stories - Myths & Legends

Index Page
Deirdre of the Sorrows
The Meeting ~ A Beltane Myth
Cuchulain of the Red Branch
 Delvcaem of the Fair Shape
The Cattle Raid of Cooley
The Legend of the Descent of the Goddess
The Lilymaid of Astolat
The Naming of the Shannon
A Donegal Fairy ~ Lititia Maclintock
Edain the Queen
Eodain the Poetess
Song of Amergin
The Children of Lir
Ethna the Bride
Faerie Music
Fairy Justice
Fairy Nature
Fairy Superstitions
Fairy Wiles
Audience with the Keeper of Wisdom


Drawing Down the Moon


Index Page
A Meditation for the Longest Night
Bubble of Protection Meditation
Earth Meditation
Meditation Exercise
How to Become Calmed and Centered
Deep Relaxation
Past Lives Meditation
The Yew - Working
Balancing and Grounding Exercise


Banners & Links

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Web Rings

~*~Webrings You Will Find There~*~
Page 1
~*~Wolfspirit's Mystical Webring~*~
~*~The Celtic Culture Webring~*~

~*~Stop the Hate~*~

~*~Fight the Fear~*~

~*~Free Speech On Line~*~

~*~Let The Truth Be Heard~*~

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~*~A Special Note...~*~

If there are any pictures on these pages that belong to someone...
Please let me know and I will either give you credit for them or
take them down immediately.  I have glommed the web for a few
years now, and have collected from many different places.



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