Polls, Trivia, & More

Kat's GP Fan Page: Polls, Trivia, & More
If your here because you love watching Growing Pains, and if you call yourself a TRUE Growing Pains Fan, you're at the right address! Here's your chance to see what other people think of Growing Pains, to voice your choices at the poll, and to test your Growing Pains IQ with trivia. Have fun!

September/October Poll
Do you think Growing Pains ended at a good time or do you think it could have continued into an 8th season?

It ended at the right time.
It could have gone on...


June/July's Poll
Do you like the new chosen jobs for the Seavers in the upcoming reunion?
Yes (130)


No (125)


Total Votes: 255


Favorite Growing Pains Scenes & Quotes

My favorite Growing Pains episode(s) were the two where Mike and Kate do a play together and have to kiss.  They end up falling in love through theater.  That is so romantic!  --AJ

I love the episode when Ben makes that movie about the alligator that his parents "flushed down the toilet and haven't thought about since." That's so funny! It's great because his mom thinks it's a "cry for help" when he really just wants to "kiss his girlfriend!" I love it! -Steph

My favorite episode is when Mike gets in a motorcycle accident and scrapes the back of his legs and his rear. I always crack up at the end of the episode when the Seavers are going out to the drive in theatre and Mike has two pillows in the back of his thighs! That image is just so funny! -Alison

My favorite episode is episode #41, "The Awful Truth," because it was the first Growing Pains episode I ever saw. (in 1988 - as a re-run) -Dave F.

Carol--"Mom, I want to donate all my makeup to the poor" -Emily

I like the episode where the Seaver's decide to spend the night in Mike's apartment, and Mike's water bed broke. That was so funny. Growing Pains is a great show. -Shannon and Heather

My favorite episode is the sappy-sweet one from the '87-'88 season where the Seavers' plan to go to Martha's Vineyard, but instead all but Mike, Julie, and baby Chrissy miss the last boat. (The "twin" dockworkers were just incredibly cheesy-hilarious!) It starts with Mike trying to impress Julie by acting "older and sophisticated"....which doesn't work. But the moment he acts like himself (when she walks in on him singing and dancing baby Chrissy around), magic happens....their first kiss. :) (awww....) Now if life were only like a sitcom....just kidding! ;)P -Lee

Carol Seaver--"Chinese food?? Chinese food?? YOU expect ME to eat chinese food???" -Joanna M.

My favorite episode is "There Must Be A Pony" because Maggie and Jason tell Chrissy that nothing happens late at night, and then everything happens! -Aussie

Growing Pains Trivia

1. What street do the Seaver's live on?

2. What year was Chrissy born?

3. What 1980's TV show was a spin off of Growing Pains?

4. What was the name of the news station Maggie worked at?

5. What island did the Seaver's visit when they went to Hawaii?

6. How much money were the Seaver kids each given by Grampa Ed and Grandma Kate?

7. What year did Mike move over the garage?

8. How did Ben raise the money for the camera he bought his dad for his birthday?

9. What position did Bobby Winnet play on the Dewy High Hooters??

10. How many months did Mike and Julie go out before they got engaged?

11. When did Luke join up and start living with the Seavers?

12. What episode did Joanna Kerns write?

13. In the episode, "Ben's Movie" what animal is mainly mentioned?

14. Where are Maggie and Jason stuck in the episode, "Wrath of Con Ed," where there is a power failure over Long Island?

15. What is Boner's middle name?

16. What is the name of Chrissy's favorite stuffed animal?

17. The exterior of the Growing Pains house was used in what movie?

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