Happy, Happy! |
Joy, Joy! |
The Distorted Penguins are a cool punk/ska band that is based in Keyser, WV. Check out their site by clicking on the band's pic above. |
Rosy & Jessica's Beanie Babies have some awesome graphics for your free use! They have provided me with a lot of graphics that you see on my homepage. |
BeanieFinders is a site created to make people realize what Ty, Inc. does concerning their marketing of Beanie Babies. Check 'em out and post your opinion where you know it will count. |
Austin Powers! Yeah, baby! This site ROCKS! Lots of groovy stuff here to play with! |
www.ebay.com. This is the #1 auction site on the net! Buy and sell anything you can dream of here. I'm an ebay member; check out my auctions by going to the seller search and type in my user id: soprano1. Happy bidding! |