Dregon on the Isle

Who Am I
Friends On the Web
Poem Page
Photo Album
Pic Of the Day

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An Isle of Hawaii
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Okay, I know I've been getting lazy, but pretty soon I'll take better care of my site.  Please be patient with me.

I've been here for about 5 months now and I still haven't done all the things that I promise myself to do.  But hey, "That's juyst the way it is!"

My heart and soul belongs to the BEACH!
Long Beach, Cali

Originally my people are from Belize, so I'll always feel a connection there too.
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Ah bawn de!  Da Belize

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On the surface she plays with a dolphin
Under the sea, she's no longer in

Near the candle light
The pages turns in flight

Pages are blank
No bank


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I am now settled here on the island of Oahu.   I have no new pics yet but working on it.  Please feel free however to cruise my site and make sure you come back as soon as you can.

Send me your pic and I will post them on my Friends On the Web Page, with any comment you may have sent.  Never know, you might meet someone you like.

Oh yeah.  Leave your email address also.

Please feel free to browse through my other pages.  Sign my guest book and Slam Book and I will get with you later.

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Bad Boy Entertainment
ENTER at your own risk

Hopefully you will hang around long enough to get to know me.  Hey, you just might like me afterwards.  And if you don't, I promise you'll never forget me.   So lets continue to do this!

Check this site out.   You will not regret it.

Urban Legend Stories
Sex Legend
Adultery, Bestiality, Celebrities, High School Confidentiality, Pregnancy, Prostitution and Many More
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- Opposite Sex Poll -

What part of the opposite sex turns you on the most?

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Who Am I? Click here to find out!

guestbk.gif (117249 bytes)Sign Guestbook            View Guestbookturnbo.gif (1625 bytes)

badgirls.gif (38323 bytes)View My SlamBook! | Sign My SlamBook!
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Album Title
Song Title

This page was last updated on 01/16/00

"If a man don't work, he shouldn't eat."