Hello everyone! Welcome to my webpage. It's pretty crappy but that's okay. I didn't really make this website so people could come and see it. I made it for fun and I wanted see how well I can design a page. heheh..and if you've looked around, obviously not very well. Anyways, I told my friends about this site when I first started making it 3 or 4 years ago. But I don't think they come anymore. I'm not even sure what the point of a website is if it doesn't have information for other people. And if people really want to find out about me, they would just go to my xanga. I don't plan to tell anyone else about this here page, and I don't think anyone is going to find it while "surfing the net." But by any chance, if you are reading this: Wow, you must have been really bored! I hope you find it entertaining though...until something better catches your attention.
welcome to the world of ann
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Last updated: January 17, 2006