Hello, and welcome! I'm Lita, or SJ if you wish. I must warn you before you go on. This web site goes in very far. So, the Palla-Palla and Sailor Moon page get links in a link! It's very complicated, so if you get lost, don't blame me, because I warned you!!! I love to cook, and I love the color green. It is the best color in the world!!!!! Anyway, I have a few things that you should see on this site. They are da' bomb!! Well, I have a few links that you should be aware of, for instance, my, You know you are a Sailor Jupiter freak when..... (YKYAASJFW)' and, 'Why I (Sailor Jupiter) rock!!' These are just SOME of the great places to go on my site. Enjoy!!! Oh, and if you don't sign the guestbook, my Jupiter Thunder Dragon will come and haunt you for forever..... Anyway, like I said, Enjoy!!!
You know you are a Sailor Jupiter freak when...
Reasons why Sailor Jupiter rocks
This site
right below this, is pictures of Sailor Moon and Darien, and many others.
of the Moon
Like it
says, 'Info on Sailor Jupiter!!!'
on Me!!!
I run
an egroup. It is called Japenese_Manga. It is about Japenese type shows,
Sailor Moon, Pokèmon, Dragon Ball Z, etc. Please, click the link
below to join:
join my egroup!!!
This is an award (my first one) that I got. You can get one to!
I guess
you might think that I'm over doing it with Sailor Jupiter, right? Well,
I'm actually not! This is not considered over doing it. If you want, I'll
show you over doing it!!! Anyway, I'm trying to get another award, so I
have to work REALLY hard. Well, down here are some more links. Enjoy!!!
Sailor Jupiter's Picture Page of the Scouts
Please vote for my site. I would appreciate it!!!
Here are yet more links:
Jupiter's Palla-Palla Page!!!
Jupiter's Sailor Moon Page!!!