Hey I'm Julie. I'm 17 and a SENIOR at Iaeger, I'm the new student body president, odd isnt it? lol. I'm #20 in softball and volleyball. I'm 5'8 with dark brown eyes and dark hair I'm getting married in July, if everything goes right! ; ) as u can see i luv carebears, especially bedtime bear. hehe please sign the guestbook! I have some Christmas Formal pictures on here. I finally updated!! Maybe some pictures in a few days.
~*~Shout Outs~*~
Brit~ Yeah prom is going to be great! we so need to learn that dance routine.  one more month of school :( how sad.  Lets join the happy hands club!!! i swear that is never going to get old

Afton~ I have such a loud mouth... lol i tell everything dont i? Guys should quit overreacting... LUV YA

Squat~ I love you scott!! it'll be okay!
Kara~ lets go camping me u belcher and nathan that would be an adventure... lol dont forget the liquor... u need to listen to me julie knows!

Leigh p~
You miss him too??? lol i miss him more though G/L/W Brian

Why couldnt you wait another 2 wks? u so done it on purpose

Brandon~ i yell at yall and yall get over it? whats new?

Tiff~ I miss you too! Saturday is going to be fun!!

Morgan~ ur the vice president and im the president of the cool ppl club.... even though there are only 2 members
Tippy~ Geez why are you tryin to steal my b/f from me for? lol u can have him if i can have brandon if you ask if you can come to my wedding one more time.. lol.. then u cant come

Amy J~I'm so excited you get to come to project graduation

Tara Toe~ You take Novac and i take Bam and we're both happy. (see i told you he hated me) lol that movie is hilarious
Monica~ you're so funny, you're the best office helped buddy in the world

yeah he's the devil... lol but i love you and thats all that matters!

I'm glad you're home!!! you kept you're promise you aint left my side... i cant believe that we're gettin married in 2mos. I'm so excited..You have to design the cake baby. so is prom going to be funner than formal?. lol I love you so much!!
Prom pictures1
Chrismas Formal
Prom pictures2