The South Dekalb Association for Super Special Youth

This is our mission statement

The South Dekalb Parents Association is interested in promoting and supporting community awareness and inclusion for the children and adults of special populations.By increasing the knowledge base of our community we hope to enhance public awareness,inform students and parents of general information regarding program selections, career choices, elegibility,application procedures, and the availability of support services that recognize and support programs designed to address the needs of special populations.


As part of it's mission to ensure inclusion and participation by all groups the South Dekalb Parents Association has as it's goals the following:

*To assist in the development of basic, advanced and applied academic learning applications.

*To increase the awareness of vocational educational opportunities

*To ensure occupational competency

*To promote increased knowledge and awareness among business and industry.

*To assist in appropriate employment placement

*To enhance social, community and family life experiences

*To promote the inclusion in all community, local and state programs/activities

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