Welcome to The South Dekalb Association for Super Special Youth's Homepage

Dear Parent/Guardian

The South Dekalb Association for Super Special Youth (S.A.S.S.Y) is a group of parents concentrated mainly in the South Dekalb Area.The purpose of the S.A.S.S.Y Organization is to increase the knowledge base of our communities,with the hope and intent of enhancing public awareness,inform students and parents of general information regarding program selections,career choices,eligibility,application procedures, and the availability of support services that recognize and support programs designed to address the needs of special populations.

S.A.S.S.Y has as its primary focus the promotion of support in community awareness and inclusion for the children and adults of special populations.

S.A.S.S.Y also works in collaboration with the Dekalb County Parks and Recreations, Special Populations Division.As part of their activities S.A.S.S.Y will be invited to participate in fund raisers, social clubs, and different sporting events.

As part of the S.A.S.S.Y Organization support is offered to parents, caretakers, and concerned others in the form of a support group. Our resource/information committee keeps us appraised of changes in the laws, school initiatives, and programs that are designed to include this population.

If this organization sounds like something you might be interested in please call (770) 969-9571 or e-mail us at sdassy98@yahoo.com, for further information on dates,time and location of meetings.


The parents of S.A.S.S.Y

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