............. JARADOS:

.... The Dagblasted Web Page

."Everybody else in America visits this web page 50 times a day......................shouldn't you?"

Full update coming soon...

Coming soon...

NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!! Updated August 29, 2002
JARA-LINKS Updated: July 18, 2001
UPDATED: June 7, 2001

Oh, let's just face it. Milli Vanilli will be inducted into the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame before this website gets updated...

Stay tuned for more details!!!

Hello, and welcome to the only web site in America that is not only approved by my dentist but probably by yours as well......."Jarados: The Dagblasted Web Page!!!!!!!!"
Well, after 8,671,822 years of the same thing, I've finally updated the web site, and it's about dang time too!!!!! Other than a new neighbor, a lunch buffet, and a camel named "Cecil," here's what's new on the web site. First off, I have written and posted a new song parody in the "Pop Parody Center" that has not only passed the DGA, but also the CRA, the PLU, the UNOTME, the CDO, the NOTAREALACRONYM, and the "Charles Lloyd Cecil Seal Of Approval". BUT FRET NOT, Jarados-a-mites!!! The weird, wacky, and all-around zany humor of "Jarados: The Dagblasted Web Page" remains with more mindless babbling, and more rumors about that man who's been walking around in circles shedding scalp hair on my front lawn for the past 17 days claiming to be "merely a rubber chicken blowing in the wind...". Not surprisingly my Waldenbooks "Preferred Reader" card account has mysteriously gone up approximately forty-three cents......
So, without further ado........SIT BACK.............RELAX........................AND HANG ON TO THAT RABID BEAR WHO HAS BEEN CHEWING ON THAT CAMERAMAN FOR SOMETIME NOW.............BECAUSE THIS IS......."JARADOS: THE DAGBLASTED WEB PAGE"!!!!! (Insert parentheses here.)



LOS ANGELES, CA - The music world was blown away earlier this week when worlds collided in a music awards duet performed by music legend Elton John and "Mongo", an African Mountain Ape from the Los Angeles Zoo. "It is such a relief to be able to sing with a gorilla," John said, waving a bananna in front of the chimp's nose, "Mongo like bananna, don't you, Mongo..." However, not everyone was as enthused over the performance as Elton John was. "He's a chicken, I tell you!" said local pet store owner, Bart Johnson, "a giant chicken!"
From the best source of news on the internet this has been Jarados Headlines".


Jonathan walks down a busy street
One early Thursday morning in New York
And wanders into a small breakfast place
Called “The Muffin (since 1962)”
Jonathan walks up to the counter and orders
A plate of hash browns, two pancakes, a biscuit,
And, of course, a muffin.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, two men in ets
And matching sunglasses stroll into the fine
Breakfast establishment and both order…
Breakfast Platter Number Four
Suddenly and unexpectedly
The two men whip out seven dictionaries
Which have obviously each been soaked in
Cold water overnight.
The first man throws a dampened dictionary
At the guy behind the counter exclaiming,
“Take this, you filthy bandwagon!”
Jonathan ducks into a restroom, just
Barely evading a flying, wet dictionary
And emerges just moments later…


To be continued…


Chris Columbus will not only direct the "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" movie, but will also direct "Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets", "Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire", and "Harry Potter and the The Neck Of The Woods That Actually Belongs To Al Roker

Frank Oz will unfortunately leave the "Star Wars" movie franchise leaving the role of the nine-hundred-year-old Yoda open for grabs. On a lighter note, Strom Thurmond will turn to a career in movie acting...

After completing his new top secret feature film, "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" Haley Joel Osment will finally find a role in the new feature film, "The Little Robot Kid That Could...And Did...Tie His Grandmother To The Roof Of His Car And Drive Off Screaming "How Do You Like Me Now, Granny?!?!"

And, finally, David Duchovney will return to star in a sequel to "The X-Files: Fight the Future" movie, cleverly entitled "Jumping Germans! There's A Rat In The Pool! Oh, Yeah, And There's A UFO Too...
Never mind.

I had the most peculiar experience some nights ago! I was getting ready for bed. I woke up at 5:00 in the morning to realize.......I SLEPT ON MY ARM WRONG!!!! I COULDN'T FEEL IT AT ALL!!! Well, as you might have guessed, I took it calmly. I yelled, "Holy gerbils! I can't feel my arm!!!" P.S. it happened again.


Welcome to the Pop Parody Center! This is where you'll find my own self-written song parodies to songs that have a bigger impact on pop ure today than the number of Easter Eggs STILL hidden in the White House. Folks, this song is based on a woman who is, indeed, the essence of evil in the universe. She is a woman who, for some unknown reason has been after me since the dawn of time. I am referring, of course to Southern Writer, Eudora Welty. Now, for some of you who......AHHH..Hey, what are you doing??? YOU!!!! What are you doing here??? What do you want? Get away from me! This is MY web page!!! Noooooo!!!! (BUZZ)


Please Stand By...



......................................THE BALLAD OF EUDORA WELTY
...................... (To the tune of Andrew Lloyd Weber's "The Phantom Of The Opera)


Her writing seems to be a bit intense
Her tales are senile and make no sense
Through all her books I read
I seem to find
Eudo---ra Welty, Southern Writer, finally
Has lost her mind

Now everywhere I go I sense she's near
Her geriatric gaze fills me with fear
In my attempts to flee
I always find
Eudo---ra Welty, Evil Writer's after me
And close behind

(She's there, that dang Eudora Wel-ty)
(You can't escape Eudora Wel-ty)

Want to get Jarados parodies e-mailed to you? Well, too bad!!! This is now "Eudora Welty: The Dagblasted Web Page"!!!!! Jarados is gone forever!!! I now have control of this web site!!! Now, puny mortal, I will decide whether or not I will allow you to view a brand new installment of "Ask Shell Shock." Maybe I will......maybe I won't!!!! Ah, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Well, why not? Shell Shock is now my servant! Ha ha ha! So, scroll down...if you dare! Ah, ha ha ha ha!!!!


Hey, there turtle/pet/web page mascot lovers! I'm Jarados' pet turtle, Shell Shock, and this is MY portion of the web page where you send me questions about absolutely anything in the universe, and I give you answers that you need to fortify your breakfast cereal every morning. Well, Shell Shock fans, it seems that Southern Writer Eudora Welty has taken over the web page, and there's nothing we can do about it.......so, now that that's out of the way, let's get on with the first question:

Q. What does "Jarados" mean?
A. "Jarados" is a word that my owner thought up as an adjective describing his style of weird humor. For example, all of the humor on this web page is very jarados. Personally, I think he's an idiot, but he didn't ask me.

Q. Hey Shellshock! If the pope, bill clinton, and a rabbi all were in the same room as a spy posing as a ninja posing as a russian bartender posing as a muskrat, what would be you're favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?
A. You're talkin' to him. NEXT QUESTION!

Q. how old are you?
A. In turtle years, I am 8,671,822 years old.

Q. did jarados ever find his shoe or eat hot dogs again?
A. What do you think he's doing right now while yours truly is over here giving thought-provoking answers to these mind-boggling questions. Wait...no! Hold on. No! It's on your foot, Jarados! You idiot! No...I...(sigh)...oh, well.

Q. Dear Shell Shock, this may seem a little weird, but are you married?
Nope, I am still available. And so is Jarados...painfully available...lousy bum...

If you have a question for me, PLEASE send it to me (or Eudora Welty) at shellshock@jarados.com, and it will most likely make its way here. Whoo hoo!


Here's an actual autographed napkin signed by famed movie star Peter Fonda from "Easy Riders"!!! I saw Mr. Fonda at a fund-raiser sneak preview premier of "The Perfect Storm" in Atlanta, Georgia, and he was gracious enough to give me an autograph (And yes, it is real).

Well, this just proves that even movie stars can praise web pages that they've probably never been to! Thanks again, Mr. Fonda!

-Ahhhh, ha ha ha ha!!! Well, puny mortals, it looks as if "Jarados: The Dagblasted Web Page" is finally under my control!

-I don't think so!!!

-What? Who dares to defy me?!?!?!?!


-Oh, really, fool?!?!?!


-Ha! Pathetic Earth creature! Do you know who you're dealing with?!?!?!

-Yes, and to prove it, I challenge you to a match of wits!

-Ha! Fine, mortal! What is your challenge?

-If I can ask you a question that you don't know the answer to, YOU have to leave the web page!

-HA! Insolent fool! Ask your question!

-Fine....what is the official definition of the word, "Jarados"?

-WHAT? What kind of a question is that?

-Wrong answer! The CORRECT answer is "Weird Marc humor!"

-What? But, but, but how could you possibly know that stupid minute fact?!?!?

-Simple! I've been answering that same question on "Ask Shell Shock" for over a year now!


-Wait a minute! Willem Dafoe??? What are you doing here???

-Zees eez hardly yore veb page any longair....

-DddddaaaAAAAAHHHH!!!!! INSOLENT FOOLS!!!! Fine! I'll leave the web page.....FOR NOW! But I'll be back, Jarados! You have NOT heard the last of EUDORA WELTY!!!!


Hey, folks! Jarados here! Well, it's good to be back!

(Cow falls on Jarados' head.)

If you would like to tell me how dumb this web page is, or if you would just like me to send you more dumb songs, or just plain say hi, you can e-mail me at jarados@jarados.com or at Marcel_Van_Bulck@Emerson.edu. Take your pick. I don't care. Just be sure to mention my web page in the subject so I don't think it's one of them junk mail things. You know how
annoying that can be!!!!


The Official "Weird Al" Yankovic Web Site

THE ONION: The World's Greatest Newspaper
Monty Python's Flying Website
Tim Threet's site: Oh, yeah! It's weird!!
The Answers To Life And the Universe
Jamieism-Jamie Nance's page
My Sister's NEW Page. Check it out!
Michelle Lore's Site. YEAH!
The Sumter Little Theatre Official Site
HotDog-Head Productions
Van Bulck and Company, CPAs
The Wilson Hall Web Site
Wilson Hall Soccer
DAN3T.COM: The all-around best site for aspiring artists!
Bekah Tuggy's site! Sheer Genius!!!
Camp Pinnacle
Want a link? E-mail me your web address and web site name, and I'll see what I can do.

Andrew C-Mister Joe Cool himself! You rock, man! Johnny K-Would you please pass the black walnuts? j/k Hudson G-One of these days you gotta teach me how to be normal, okay? Sydney VB-Whoa!!! You're actually visiting my web page?? Cool!! Angie P: "Never before have flying, rabid groundhogs with heads shaped just a wee bit like Irene Ryan reminded me of the ever-growing tree that blows in the wind like that unidentifiable piece of plastic I found at the bottom of my cereal box..." Just thinking of you, Angie. :-) Stephanie W: Hey! Thank you for being such a good friend to me. You rock! See ya around!Leslie R-Hey! What's up? Thanks for putting up with me! Lyle W-'Sup? Sorry about the mallard, man. Matt S-Matt?!?!?! 'Sup brutha? Emily S-Hey, Emily! Yes, you are STILL Queen Jadis to me!! Caitlin G: Hey, Caitlin!! Who's that Spartan behind YOUR back?!? Tim T: Hey, Tim! What's up? Yeah, uh, me too. Bruna M: Hey, Bruna! What's up? You're the coolest!!! Later! Lindsay S: This is Lindsay's shout-out. It's special , it's sentimental, and it smells just a little bit like pimento cheese... Austin H: HARRIET TUBMAN! Justin C: Hey, Justin! I just wanted to say tha...(Bang!)...ahh! Dang it. Alex K: I have just one thing to say to you, Mister...one thing to say...have you seen my tupperware? I smell something burning... Ashton P: Whassup? How did you get the address to this site? Ashley Cox: Hey! What's up? See ya around! Kristen M: What's up? Hey, that paper that they wrap straws in can be ly! LOL See ya later! Liz B: Hey! Good luck at Sumter High! See ya around! Boy Scout Troop 86-All of you guys rock!!!! Thanks for everything!!! SLT: You all are the best! Thanks!! Ashley Cundiff: Hey, look! I GOT YOU A SHOUT-OUT!!! WHOO HOO! Jessie: Um, uh, Jessie is nice. Yeah. Uh, okay, I said it. Please don't break into my house and kill me!!! Claudia C: This is Claudia's shout-out. Need I say more? Michelle L: Where's my other shoe??? Eudora Welty: My arch-nemesis, we meet again...
Erin Z, Steph and Stacey H, Sarah S, Emily J, Tee R, Reid J, Rich W, Skip M, Chris A, Mom and Dad (Don't kill me for not giving you a shout-out), Everyone on the "Maniacal Mob of Moronic Marc Songs" mailing list, Tom O'Hare, Wilfred VB, Shell Shock, and everyone who visits this web page and thinks that it's funny. If I've left anyone out, I give you permission to beat me down with a tire. Thanks all!

That's it.
You can go now.

Date that this page will be updated: The day my winds of Zanzabar blow in the general direction of Al Roker.

Dagblasted Webmaster: Marc "Jarados" van Bulck

There's nothing down here. You can stop scrolling if you want. BUT ONLY IF YOU WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T STOP YOU, YOU KNOW!!!!! IT'S JUST NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Always floss.

Don't chew gum while walking. It's just disturbing. Okay, I'm done now...