I turned 6 months on March 15th. Two days later was my first Saint Patrick's Day but mommy forgot to dress me in green. Gosh, I'm glad nobody pinched me! I am starting to bang my toys on things (like the high chair) and I'm trying to see how far I can push mommy with the "pick up" game. I'm not sure why, but I don't think she likes this game. On the 25th I had my 6 month well baby. I was 22 lb 2 oz and 28 inches tall. On March 28th we celebrated mommy's birthday by going out for chinese. I had rice for the first time and boy did I love it! Transportation wise, I am still rolling everywhere I want to go. Mom keeps trying to get me to do that crawling thing but rolling is much more fun! My first Easter was on April 4th. We went to Papa's house and had dinner at great-aunt Bonnie's. The Easter Bunny brought me a nice basket of toys too. I must have been a good boy! Mommy's favorite thing about this month is that I am finally starting to sleep through the night. YEAH!!!!
Mommy says I'm mighty cute in suspenders!
"I'm just sittin here watching the bunnies go round and round..."
I must have been a good boy! Aunt Retta gave me an Easter Pooh and now I have this big blue thing!
I like my Easter Bunny book! :)
Hey, give me back the blue stuff!!
Help, there's something wiggling in my hand mommy!