Hi, my name is Riley. I was born on Sept 15,1998. My grandpa says that was a good day to be born, but he may be biased since it's his birthday too. I arrived at 11:50 PM (10 minutes shy of Grandma MiMi's birthday) weighing 7 lbs 4 oz and measuring 21 1/2 inches. I was long and skinny but not anymore. I filled out real fast. Boy do I love to eat!  Anyway, this is mommy's first webpage so please overlook her mistakes. I hope you like it here.

Warm,, snuggly baby hugs,   Riley
I'm  One!!!
click on piglet to see my first birthday page!
Want to see more of me?
My first month
My Seventh Month
My Eighth Month
my second month
My two month portraits
My ninth month
My tenth month
my third month
My fourth month
My Fifth Month
My 11th and 12th months
My sixth month
My thirteenth month
My one year portraits
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The Alyssaward!
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