
        Image Copyright © Meilin Wong. Used with permission.

        I'm sure a lot of people wondered whether or not there are any fairies in AeaTr. Well, technically, not in AeaTr, but in a forest beyond the bounds of any kingdom. The forest resides west of the Great Bay and south of Giali. The King of Giali would like to claim the territory, but previous attempts have always resulted in disaster.

        The fairies of this mysterious forest have come by a special name. They are known as the Phyre Phaeries of Phoenix Phorest. The magnificent birds that live amongst them are their companions and friends, and a human might think of them like a horse to us. The Phaeries have also mastered the control of fire, hence their name.

        And so, as one might guess, I'm against harm done to any fairy whatsoever, and this is my tribute to the magical creatures.

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        subsite will be finished over this holiday break. Respectfully yours, QA 12/19

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