Meet the Newborns!!
This is a page that introduces
you to all of the newborns currently living here! The newborns are happy
because this is the place they can feel special and write something! Well,
on with the newborns!!!!:)
Name:Big Top
Her Comments:
Hi! I'm Big Top! Everyone says I'm fun and
playful! I love to play! My favorite things to play are tag, playing with
my doll, playing in the sandbox, and hide and go seek! If any of you ponies
ever have time, come to the nursery and play with me!
Her Comments:
hewo! my name bootsie. i tink it fun to dwess
up. specially when i twy on pwetty shoes! bu bye!
Her Comments:
Hi, my name is Bunkie. I don't think it's
fair that Big Top got to go first so I cried about it. Everyone calls me
a baby just because I cry all the time and complain. But I'm NOT
a baby! I'm a newborn! Duh! Bye!
Her Comments:
Hi! Ya already know me but so what! Everyone
says I'm happy and a daredevil! I don't know 'bout that! Bye-bye!
Her Comments:
Hallo! I'm Dibbles! It's nice meetin' ya!
Everyone says I'm just your normal, average, down to earth pony. Uhhhhhhhhh.
Sorry. I have no idea what to say. So I guess that's all. Um. Bye!
Her Comments:
Salutations! I found that word in a book
called Charlotte's Web! I love to read! Everyone calls me "the nerd of
the nursery"! I'm not that nerdy, am I?
Her Comments:
Hi! My name is Jabber. Isn't that a spiffy
name? I think so. Actually, I think that if there was a name contest I
would win don't you? I think so. Well, everyone says I talk too much, do
you? I don't think so. Actually, I think it's good to be a chatterbox 'cause
then you know a lot of ponies 'cause you talk to them, do you? I think
so. Everyone also says I ask for ponies opinions to much but I don't, do
I? I don't think so. Well, every one says I gotta get off 'cause I'm takin'
forever but you don't think I do, do you? I don't think so. Bu Bye!
Her Comments:
Hey! I'm Jangles. I love nursrey rymes. I
think they're cool. My favorite one is Humpty Dumpty. My twin Tangles likes
to make fun of it. She says:
Humpty Dumpty is so dumb
He's so dumb, he sucks his thumb
He sucked on his thumb while sitting on a
Because of this, he did fall
Yes he fell while sucking his thumb
And breakfast the next morning-Yum Yum!
I don't think that's very nice. I like Humpty
Dumpty. Oh well. Bye!!
Her Comments:
Hello my name is Jebber. Ain't that a nice
name. My twin sister Jabber says that if there's a name contest hers would
win but I think mine would don't you? I think so. Lot's of ponies say I
am just like Jabber 'cause I like to talk but I think that's ok don't you?
I think so. They also say I need to use commas more but I don't think so
do you? I don't. Well I gotta go so bye bye!
Name:Lil' Cupcake
Her Comments:
Hi! My name's Little Cupcake! All of the
ponies say I'm really happy! The newborns say I'm happy because my older
sister, Little Sweetcake, will defend me when the babies tease me. I don't
think that's what makes me happy. I just am happy! Bye bye for now!
Name:little giggles
Her Comments:
hi. i wittle giggles. all us teeny tiny newbowns
talk with wittle accent. i giggle wots. i giggle at anything!
Name:little honey pie
Her Comments:
hewo. i wittle honey pie. lotta ponies say i cutest
newbown. they go goo goo all over me. bye!
Name:little tabby
Her Comments:
hawo. my name wittle tabby. i wove aminals.
evwey pony say i say aminal all wong. oh well. bye bye!
Name:little whiskers
Her Comments:
hey dare! i wittle whiskas. i weal ticklish.
lotta ponies tickle me 'cause they tink it cute when i waugh!
Her Comments:
Hello. My name is Milkweed. Have you kept
track of your diet today? It is very important to moniter your personal
eating habits. If all you've eaten is junk food, I would go right to the
kitchen and eat something healthy. If you're a pony, make sure you get
enough oats and grass to keep you healthy. A magority of the pony population
say that I am the health nut and one of the smartest of the nursery. I
am not so sure about that. Thank you for taking your time to read this.
Good day!
Her Comments:
Hi there! Anyone up for a snack? My favorite
snacks are cake and ice cream. Milkweed is always scolding me 'bout that.
Everyone says I eat too much and they don't know how I stay at an average
weight because of that and I'm a couch potato. I don't know. I can't be
that bad. I wonder what's for dinner tonight.
His Comments:
Hmmmm. I think that's all I have to say.
Oh yeah, everyone says I'm a pratical joker! Um, Bye-bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her Comments:
Hello, I'm Peeks!! I like me. I'm glad I'm
me. Actually, I think I'm pretty spiffy! All the ponies say I have high
self esteem. I always try to look at the happy side of things! I think
that's pretty spiffy! Thanks for readin'! Bye Bye!!
Her Comments:
Hi. I'm Puddles. I just KNOW I'm gonna sound
sooooo stupid on here. All the ponies say I worry a lot, like I have low
self esteem. Ohhhhhhhhhh. Oh well. Bye, I guess.
Name:Rattles (newborn twin)
Her Comments:
Hi!! You want ta hear a secret that Lickety
Split told me? You'll never guess this!!! Lickety Split has the HOTS for
Racer, a BOY baby pony!!!! I think that boys are yucky. Oops! I just remembered.
I wasn't supposed to tell anyone about Lickety Split and Racer!!! Oh well,
secrets out!!!!!! A lot of ponies call me and my twin sister the blabbermouths
of the nursery. We can't help that we like to gossip!!!! It's only for
fun!!!!! Well, just don't tell no one 'bout Lickety Split, K? See ya!!!!!
Name:rattles (teeny pony twin)
Her Comments:
hewoooooo! i called rattles. it weid to share
a name with someone else. lotta ponies say i the otha rattles's heir. i
wove to tell secwets. so does my twin tattles. me and tattles just heard
magic star say to buttons that she has cwush on quaterback. i tink that
funny! bye-bye!
Her Comments:
Hi! I'm Sandcastle! You wanna know what my
favorite thing to do is? To build things out of sand!!!! It's real fun.
You should try it sometime. It's a really great hobby. The ponies call
me the architecet of the nursery. I guess I kind of am. Well, that's about
all. Bu Bye!!!!!!
Her Comments:
Hello. Are you an adult or young pony? I
gotta know because I have a double personality!!!! Around adults, I am
very well behaved and nice. But around younger ponies, I'm hyper!!!!!!!!!
It gets very confusing when I'm with adults AND young ponies, because I
have to mix both toghether and usually I just end up looking like an idiot.
Oh well!!! Bye!!!
Her Comments:
Hi!!! I'm Shovels. I absolutly LOVE playing
in the sand!!!! I hate it when it rains, 'cause then I can't play outside.
Well, I can't think of anything else to say except bye!!
Name:Sleep Tight
Her Comments:
Hi! My name is Sleep Tight, and I love to
sleep. I don't care the time, day, I just sleep! My twin is
the same! Well, Bye bye!!!!!
Name:Sleepy Head
Her Comments:
Hello. I'm Sleepy Head, and I'm ready for
a nap. I sleep ALL the time. Day, Night, whenever. I guess I'm also pretty
lazy. Well, I gotta take a nap. Good night!!!!
Name:Sniffles (earthling, newborn twin)
Her Comments:
Hi. I'm Sniffles. And for some reason, I'm
always getting a cold and sniffling. Sometimes it gets real bad. Oh well.
Bu Bye!!!!
Name:sniffles (teeny pony twin)
Her Comments:
hi! i sniffles. i wove to smell tings, especially
Name:Sniffles (Unicorn)
Her Comments:
Hi. I'm Sniffles. Also known as the crier.
When anything happens that's sad, I cry. So what's wrong with that? I don't
know, but it makes me sad. Oh well. Bye.
Name:snookums (newborn twin)
Her Comments:
hi. i snookums. lot a ponies say i adowible
'cause they say i have baby accent. i don't have baby accent, do i? i don't
think so. bye bye!!!!
Name:snookums (teeny baby twin)
Her Comments:
hey dare! me snookums, da wittle snookums.
da otha snookums is big! i always daydweaming about cool tings, wike fwoating
on pink stars and stuff wike dat! dat's all! bye!
Her Comments:
I cried a lot. You know why? 'Cause I don't
see why Dangles got to be tour guide and I didn't. I think I could
have been better. Oh well. Bye-bye!
Her Comments:
Hi!!!!!!!!!:) I'm Squirmy!!!! My favorite
things to do are playing and jumping and messing up rooms (really I don't
mean to make rooms messy, but it always happens, so I figure that I like
it if I do it all the time). I also love to explore. If you've been to
of the Nursery page and read the story about me, you already know this.
Well, that's all I can think of, so bye bye!!!!:)
Her Comments:
Hi, my name is Sticky, and I'm always getting
into sticky messes. Like one time, I got stuck to the wall. It was
weird. And I always accidently do something that gets me in trouble.
But that's ok!
Her Comments:
Hallo!! I'm Tangles!!! I love to tease!!!
I know it's mean, but it's fun!! I really love to tease my twin sister,
Jangles, about her stupid rymes. Have you read my Humpty Dumpty poem? Go
to Jangles little section if ya haven't and read it!!! She doesn't think
it's funny, but I do!!!!! Bu Bye!!!!!
Her Comments:
Hi. I'm Tappy. I personaly think that I am
the best and prettiest newborn, make that pony. A lot of the ponies say
that I am the snot of the nursery, but I disagree. It's only self confidence.
Do they want me to hate myself? I mean, come on. They just don't know what
they're talking about. Bye.
Name:Tattles (newborn twin)
Her Comments:
Hey!! Ya wanna know a secret? Ok, listen
well. Baby Sundance has the hots for Racer!!! Can you believe it? I think
its gross to actually LIKE a BOY. Yuck!!!!!! Oh no!!!!! I forgot I wasn't
supposed to tell anyone!!!! Oops. Oh well. Just don't tell anyone, ok?
Uh oh. I just remembered. Rattles told me LICKETY SPLIT has the hots for
Racer too!!!!! Ooh. Lickety Split and Sundance are gonna be in a BIG fight
if they find out each others secrets. I better tell them. Us newborns will
find it pretty funny when the adults ask what they were fighting about,
because boy, are they gonna be shouting really loud, with Lickety's temper!!!
You'll sure be able to here them from Dream Castle! Bye!!!
Name:tattles (teeny pony twin)
Her Comments:
hi dare! i tattles! i tink it kinda cool
dat i share my name. ponies say i gonna follow in the otha tattles footsteps!
did you wead in my twins part about how we wove to tell secwets and the
secwet we heard? if you didn't, here's the secwet-we heard magic star say
to buttons dat she wikes quarterback! i tink dats silly!
Her Comments:
hi! i tootsie! I just wike my twin bootsie!
We wike dwessing up!
Her Comments:
Hey, I'm Toppy. UUHHHHH. I don't know what
to say so I'll say hi!! I never know what to say. Instead I always say
uhhhhh. UHHHHHH. Bye!
Her Comments:
Name's Tumbleweed! I just LOVE junk food!! My twin, Milkweed, is a major
health nut, so she hates my eating habits!!!!!!!!! I'm also a BIG clutz!!!!
hkddjksffsdjkalfhdfh Oops! Bye bye!!!!!!!:) :( :) :( :) :( :)
Her Comments:
Hi. I'm Wiggles. Many ponies say that I'm
the shyest pony they ever met. I don't know. I guess I am pretty shy. Well,
Her Comments:
Hi!!! I'm Yo-Yo!!! Ponies say I'm the schemer
and the hyper pony!!!! I love to play tricks on baby ponies because they
like to pick on us so I say pick on them!!!!!!! Spiffy!!!!! Well, that's
all I can think of, so Bu Bye!!!!
Well, there ya have it!!!!!
Thanks for meetin' the newborns!!!!!