Happy 2000!!!
Please read our newsletter to find out about happenings in Palace burb.
We have free valentine graphics for you to use.
We have a lot to offer you in the Palace Community Center. We have games, awards, adoptions, a
webring, contests, and even a newsletter! You can even find your Community Leader

To start you can use
the menu below, and choose where you would like to go!
We hope that you
enjoy your visit and come back very soon! If you want you can even bookmark us!
If you have any
problems getting around this website, or you have comments/suggestions, just e-mail us!

Information collected from entries in this contest/award/committee will be used by The EnchantedForest Community Leaders solely for the purposes of conducting this contest, awarding of prizes, and announcing the winners of those prizes. YOU MUST BE 13 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THIS CONTEST.
This contest is sponsored solely by Ef/Palace Community Center.
GeoCities is not a sponsor of this contest/award/committee and is not involved with the administration of the contest or the "awarding of prizes/homesteader contact" pursuant to the contest rules listed here. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy