I now work for JCPenney Portraits in the Shoppingtown Mall where I am the manager. I have been in the portrait business for 13 years now. Work has been going well. We are now playing even more and capturing the different personalities of our subjects. Trying to tell stories with the kids or our subjects.
I also enjoy scrapbooking.
This is something I feel is very hard to find good information on sometimes: Cotton Diapers!! I am very happy with my cotton diapers!!! When Kyle was born, we used a diaper service for a few months, but to our suprise, they decided to stop providing the service with only one weeks notice!! I had to decide to either do it ourselves or start using disposables. Well, I knew that I couldn't buy the all cotton diapers they had at the local stores cause they use some funky polyester filling that makes the diaper shrivel. So I got on the web and found some sites that helped me make a decision I am thrilled to share!! I love my cotton diapers!! I am in the process of making a webpage with information about Cloth Diapers it is www.geocities.com/barrus_c/clothbottoms I also learned that even the diapers at the diaper service were not the best kind out there- They were thin!! Feel free to check out my webpage and remember it's still under construction, but it's there to help get good information into your hands!