Buttercup's Personal Space

Picture from my wedding.

Hi everyone, welcome to my site! Buttercup is my alias, and Pamela is my name. I'm a My Little Pony collector currently living in the UK, although I am from Ontario, Canada originally. I grew up in a little city called Oshawa, moved for a year to a small town called Bancroft, then I got married and moved to England with my husband Shaun, who I met on the net 3 years ago now! Isn't he cute ladies? hehehe, I know he'd be blushing and will blush when he sees this!

I have a few places on my site you may like to check out, but warning, this page is still under construction so you may not find what you want at the moment! I promise to have all sections up and running as soon as possible. :)

Pictures of Husband and I
My Little Pony Collection Pictures