We've Got It Goin' On!
At the end when all the guys are singing together in the woods, Howie is looking down and not really singing.
When they are dancing on the stage, Kevin stays standing up when the other 4 go down.
At the end when they are singing into their mics, Brian isn't singing his own part.
I'll Never Break Your Heart (older version)
When Brian's girl falls, he picks her up by her jacket.
Nick almost knocks over his girl when he dives into the snowman.
Near the end Kevin falls on his girl and seems to touch her chest.
At the end, A.J isn't singing his own part.
Anywhere For You
In the very beginning when the guys are walking on the beach, Kevin seems to stumble.
In the middle of the video, off to the far right of the screen, Howie seems to be attacked by a seagull.
At the end when Brian and A.J are racing for the beachball, A.J trips.
Get Down
When Nick is singing, in the background, Brian is bouncing around, it's really funny.
In the middle of the video, Howie is doing his own little dance.
Near the end the guys are all jumping around and it looks as though Nick falls into Brian.
Quit Playing Games With My Heart
Half way throught the video, Howie is walking around with his shirt off and it looks as though he doesn't know what he is doing.
At the end , in the rain, Kevin's singing something else.
Brian coughs in the middle of the video and puts his hand on his chest.
As Long As You Love Me
When the guys pick up their folding chairs, Brian's crooked.
When the guy s walk up to the girls, Howie's arm is on his left hip, the right hip, then they are crossed.
Also when they walk toward the girls, A.J's belt is over his jacket then, in the next frame, it's not.
When the guys are leaving,A.J has the remote in his hand then in the next frame, it's gone
All I Have To Give
During the first chorus, Kevin is beside Nick then in the next frame, Howie is.
The second time they do the chorus, Nick is like talking.
When Nick is sitting in the chair at one part, he sticks out his foot, almost to trip Howie.
If you look closely when they are all in the water thing, all their hair is black.
Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
In the middle, when A.J is singing, the camera zooms over the table and one candle is blown out.
When they are dancing, Nick is behing onne girl in one frame and in front of her in the next.
During the dance, the girl between Nick and Howie is behind when they lift their legs.
At the end of the video, Brian just sits there doing nothing in the dancing scene.
Watch Brian and the girl he dances with in the beginning, at the end they have a hard time getting up.
Towards the end watch A.J while he is still the Phantom and you will see the dancer in the back dress almost rip A.J's shirt!!
At the end when the four girls are dancing around A.J look at the girl in the black dress in the black has to pull up her dress because it fell down!