You enter the insanity....
After walking a moment, you begin to notice several things, the tunnel abruptly ends in a large room. In the room the walls are a irridescent color, shimmering and changing colors everytime you look at it from a different angle. Several things float about in the air... A clock here, a toy wolf there... You narrowly avoid being bonked in the head by a passing by Bookbag! You look back at the bookbag, relieved, when a Gyrfalcon-Gryphon suddenly plows into you, evidently trying to chase the bookbag. She jumps off of you, using your stomach as a divingboard and pounces the bookbag, bringing it down to the ground. She quickly pulls a pencil out of the bookbag then lets the bag go, it flies away, apparently through the wall and dissapears. She sighs in relief and tucks the pencil away in the pouch at her side, muttering to herself. She looks over at you, apperently noticing your presence for the first time. She blinks owlishly, obviously surprised. "Ack! Yello traveler!" She pauses, looking a bit worried "I see you've found your way to the Isle, not easy to find, eh? Sorry about all the mess... Things have been a bit hectic recently, Rhyolite Mountain recently erupted, stirring up quite a few problems." She gestures around the odd room "This is the portal to the different places around the Isle, and some other places of interest." She hands you a odd sphere, it seems to throw shadows instead of illumination, and upon looking inside you can see hundreds- No, Thousands of stars, and numerous planets. You carefully take the sphere, avoiding the gryphoness' sharp talons. She smiles and nods to the sphere "Just get a mind picture of where ye want to go, and the sphere will take ye there, should ye ever wish to return to here, just give the mind picture to the sphere." She suddenly leaps up into the air, and glides through one of the weird walls, before you even get the chance to ask her name! You look back at the sphere... Trying to picture where you wish to go
Ruzu Desert
Few creatures live in this place, Ruzu means 'Abandon Hope'.
Kivuli Jungle
Kivuli means Shadow, a good name and description for this place..
Duma Plains
A somwhat peaceful place this will never be, due to a certain Gaza's tricks...
Tufani Beach
Relatively calm... Mostly little creatures live in this place.
Kaskazi Tundra
Mostly Canines here... Of the wolf-like variety...