Hello and welcome to my central homepage. This is about me and only me.
Tiffany - tiffy@horsemail.com

Dapple Grey - Down Under - My RPG Game

My Pets

My Own dog, he needs a bath and a brush but hes cute in a scrappy way! Hes a Maltese x shih-tzu, hes not a yappy dog though hes really nice, thats also my little sister brianna with him, and for a rare time she has clothes on, her and her twin Kiah, who looks nothing like her, never wear clothes!

Rayma (Ray) our Blue Point Siamese, Cross Eyed and a scaredy cat but hes like a rag doll, you can do anything to him (and I mean ANYTHING as long as your touching him hes happy - not hurting him)

Tammy, shes a Tortie shell domestic shorthair. She rules the roost all our animals are scared stiff of her.

Roxy, my brothers dog, a kelpie x border collie. Shes really sweet but a bit too happy go lucky lol.

Candy, a mini foxterrier, also my brothers dog, shes really nice and old about 15 or 16 years.

I also own a Sheltie Guinea Pig (colour is like Cody) a Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish) named Ranger and Kissing Garramy (sp?) called Pearl, a white chicken (with one black spot/feather) called Nadiar (Nar Die Are).

Family pets are 2 Discus Fish (dads) two silver type fish (dads) have no idea of their breed, one yellow fish (another dads one) three yabbies (my brothers) 2 chickens (my sisters) another pinky fish with small blue highlight dots and a big green metalic cheek (my brothers) and finally another Betta fish called Alpha (brothers he named it with my fish, army names) Miah owned by Kiah (white and black ears Guinea Pig shorthair) Ginger owned by Brianna(chestnut guinea pig shorthair) Truffles owned by mum (Tri coloured, one dark brown foot guinea pig shorthair) and Kiko owned by Second dad (step) Gary (Tri-coloured guinea pig, on her belly you put her upside down and one back leg is chestnut, the other is white and its got this perfect straight line down the middle parting them) About Me
Name: Tiffany Lee Burn ..last name..
Birthdate: 24th December 1986, 10:54pm (1 hour, 5 min to X-Mas)
Features: Deep Blue Eyes, Crappy Brown Hair, did have dirty blonde and it has been dyed a few times a bunch a colours! Fair skin, very faintly tanned lol Some freckles, more on my arms hardly any of my face.
Sign: Capricorn, in the cusp of Sagetarius
Siblings: Jared Leigh ..last name.. (22) Hayley Elise Burn ..last name.. (18) Kiah Maree ..diff last name.. (4) Brianna Rose ..diff last name.. (4) Twins have a different father and didnt get the lee burn in their name, nor did my sister get the lee and nor did my brother get the burn lol.
Father: Robert (bob) "Scruff" ..last name..
Mother: Deborah (Debbie) "Buttons" Lee ..diff last name to mine..
Likes: Horses (well what do you know!) Animals, cars, SWAT Kats (yeah thats right! S-W-A-T kats!) computers, drawing, writing, humour, acting, creative things, Harry Potter, Fantasy things, Lord of the Rings.
Hates: Everything else lol.
Future: Hopefully the army! Dont ask I have wanted to be in it for years, I just need to wait until im 18.
Status: Single and loving it!