Power Pages Web Design of Allentown, Pennsylvania in the Lehigh Valley is a web site design and development company that creates customized Internet advertising solutions for small to corporate businesses.
- web site design and e-commerce sites - We can redesign an existing website or create a new website.
- graphics design for web and print advertising - We can create logos, clip art and other graphics that can be displayed on your website or in other ads.
- multimedia - audio, visual, animations - We can add sound, video, and animations to your website.
- interactive web applications and programming - We can add forms and other interactive scripts that process data inputted by your website visitors.
- database creation and integration - We can integrate your existing database or create a new database to store data for reuse.
- search engine submission and optimization - We can improve your website source code for better search engine results and submit your site to be listed.
- computer and networking technical support - We can troubleshoot your computer or networking problems, install or remove hardware or software, and more.
- education - We can teach you, your employees or students specific basic computer skills, software or programming.
Contact Power Pages Web Design for customized web design, graphics design, interactive web
programming, search engine promotion and computer tech support to increase your company's customers and sales.
Contact us for a FREE website estimate or FREE search engine analysis!
Internet/Computer Articles |
Please read our articles
for tips about computers, Internet and business.
Suggest a topic for one of our future articles.
Computer Tech Support |
Contact us for computer PC and network troubleshooting, backups, software and hardware installation, virus removal and consultations.
Microsoft extended its support for Windows 98 and 98 SE to June 2006.
Recycle Old Computers |
Donate your unused computers or components to organizations such as
Nonprofit Technology Resources in Philadelphia.
Power Pages Web Design accepts donations on behalf of NTR or if you wish to contribute to our local community, we accept donations of computers and components
to allow interns to build, troubleshoot or use computers.