Current Beanie News

4/1/04 - The ray is fired at Kantaija...and she changes colour to Darigan!!

3/26/04 - Kantaija the snow poogle is given a red kougra morphing potion..."Kantaija begins to feel queasy and whimpers before turning into a dazzling Red Kougra!!!"

3/18/04 - The Faerie Queen makes Kantaija super strong!!!! Well done!!!

3/12-14/04 - Now that Kantaija is no longer the lab rat, over the next few days she will be going to The Academy to raise her level and strength.

3/12/04 - The ray is fired at Kantaija...and he changes gender!!!! Whoot! No more lab ray for me!

About Ty

A lanky, darigan kougress suddenly steps out from the dense foilage surrounding the entrance of the cave to find you trespassing on her territory. Her suspicious, crimson-colored eyes seem to stare right through you as she emits a low, rumbling growl from deep within her throat.
"Aah, another uninvited guest...how predictable. I told mother that we should have built my den in a better location, but did she listen to me? No. Anyway, I am Kantaija and you are?"
Averting your eyes, you quickly stammer your name. Nodding, she tries to smile at you, but it comes out as a sneer instead.
"Yes, I thought so. Well, as you probably may have already figured out this is my den and you are trespassing, so if you would kindly take your leave I would be most grateful...unless..."
She studies you for a moment and then nods to herself with a grim expression on her furry face.
"You weren't trespassing at all, were you? You came here to learn about me just like all the others before you...well, unfortunately there isn't really much to tell. You see, my life before I was turned Darigan was very dull and boring. I was made by my owner, nyuriz, as a green kougra on the cold and rainy fifteenth day of the month of Awakening. Shortly after my owner got access to the lab ray, I was curious to see what it would do to me. Needless to say, that day the ray changed my gender and I ended up having to undergo some very unpleasant lab ray treatments until I got changed back into a female. Luckily I did eventually get changed back, but with consequences for I was no longer the green kougra that everyone once knew and loved. Instead the lab ray had changed me into a dreadful snow poogle."
After that statement, she paused long enough to shudder and grimace while her striped tail twitched, sporatically.
"After my adventure with the lab ray I vowed never to use the ray again, but that was not to be. After my owner saved up enough for a red kougra morphing potion and I was morphed back into a kougra I went back to the lab ray a few more times. Thankfully I never got my gender changed again, but I was turned darigan and I have to admit that that day had to have been the best day of my life."

Place your mouse over their pictures to learn about them.

Legollaz is my super strong youngest brother and the battler of the family. He loves to beat up such opponents as the Chia Clown and the Ghost Lupe. My  brother, Orlando_Bloom, might by the oldest he is still the baby of the family...literally. He loves attention and will go to any lengths to get it. Personally, I firmly believe that he's an annoying little pest...*sneers*


Friends? What friends? I have no friends. Besides, I highly doubt anyone would want to be friends with me anyway...*glares menacingly* I will forever be a rogue...a loner and I rather prefer it that way.

Azyphuris the Snowbunny

I would like you to meet my petpet and leader of my darigan kougra plushie army, Azyphuris...*nods to her right as a little snowbunny peeps out from behind her right leg* Don't be fooled by his wide-eyed cuteness for this evil, little minion in the making shall help me rule Neopia along with my darigan kougra plushie army. He is, also, the only other being that I fully trust in Neopia, aside from my owner that is. *grins*


Place your mouse over the pictures to see why Kantaija likes them.

Finally a plushie of me and the start of my very own darigan kougra plushie army...Mwhahahahaha! The Darigan Paint Brush is awesome-looking and without a doubt the best paint brush in all of Neopia!


Place your mouse over the pictures to see why Kantaija wants them removed from Neopia indefinitely.

This is like such a boring book!


The following are books that Kantaija has already read.

Neopian Times Issue 3
The Magic Paw
Pazo the Lonely Aisha
Tome of Selket
Sakhmet Tales
Advanced Papyrus Making
Sakhmet Natives
Sakhmet Petpets
Oopsy Daisy
Feed Koi
Nest Builders Manual
Koi Tales
Elephante Dreams
The Yellow Nimmo Ranger
Jubjubs Day
Playing with Fire
The Wonders of Water


I haven't decided what will go here as of yet...



Below are other Darigan Kougras in Neopia.


Beanie News
My Favorites

Attic Treasures
Beanie Baby Bears
Beanie Baby Cats
Beanie Baby Dogs
Beanie Baby Fantasy
Beanie Baby Miscellaneous
McDonald's Teenie Beanies
Beanie Buddies