<BGSOUND SRC="/marti_48_99/userfiles:/user/jesus-loves-me-2.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
JULY 25, 1985 - NOVEMBER 16, 1994
One year old...his first birthday and his first cake...notice the concentration on demolition...
little over a year old  ...here with his daddy
                  age 2 years old
       with sisters Jaime and Erin
Matthew trying out his new parapodium and walker...a new sense of independence........
            MATTHEW RAY
                     Age 9
Last school picture taken  one
month before he died~~~~
            one year old
Matthew was born with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
Spina Bifida is caused while the spine is forming during
the first few weeks of development, the spine does not close
and exposes the nerves and causes paralysis. I won't go
into all of this at this time...This is Matthew's page. I
could never imagine a life without Matthew ..But we
are so thankful that God saw fit to loan this little boy to
us for 9 years.  I wont say it was easy; it isnt when you have
a child with special needs.  He was such a happy little boy
except when he was fighting with his sisters..He was all
boy then!  Of course since he was the youngest, he was 
picked  on the most, what are younger siblings for except
for the older one to pick on...His sisters loved him dearly.
We miss Matthew terribly and will always miss him.
His home going left a huge hole in my life..but I am
comforted by the fact I know he is safe with God.
He is walking and running..and with God's help I
will go on one day at a time..This was Matthew's time
to go home. 
To every thing there is  a season, and a
time to every purpose under the heaven: Eccl. 3:1
This is one of many hospital visits for shunt
revisions....He always had a smile for everyone
even when he was sick...Nurses would come to
his room first for that smile..they said it made
a good start to their day.....
                          3 weeks old
photo taken just before Matthew was released
from hospital and we were allowed to take
him home.
Matthew here with mom and his sisters..
He graduated from Lighthouse Learning Crt.
                                age 4
Matthew here with a friend, Ashley, at a school
holloween party--was always goofing around-
so him dressing as a clown fit him to a tee...
Matthew on a pony ride at Jax Navy Base park..
He loved horses, baseball and skating..
Matthew just arrived home from school..
showing off his muscles to his sisters.
The Little Red
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"Jesus loves me"
Matthew"s favorite song
page created 6/1999