Derek White, President
Hello! My name is Derek White. I am the founder and president of the GPAC. I like a variety of topics, from sports to music, but I absolutely love talking about politics and current events. I am an open-minded independent, but I can be very opinionated as well.
I am a junior at IHCC and BVU Ottumwa Campus, double-majoring in criminal justice and political science!
MSN Hotmail
GPAC Website
WHO 13 Des Moines
St. Louis Cardinals
Chicago Bears
Kansas City Chiefs
Iowa Hawkeyes
The Onion Satire Site

My hobbies and interests include discussing different topics, learning new things, promoting worthy causes, watching my favorite sports teams, playing around on the internet, spending time with my girlfriend, friends and family, making myself successful, and being a good humanitarian!
Family: Clubs:
My dad, Herb, is retired. My mom, Linda, is a radiological technician at Ottumwa Regional Health Center. My sister, Dawn, works for the State of Iowa. My brother-in-law, Dale, works in construction. My nieces, Melinda and Lynsey, are dolls. My girlfriend, Laura, is a criminal justice student at Hamilton College in Urbandale. Finally, my grandmother plays a lot of bingo!

Founder/President, GPAC

Member, IHCC Rotary Club

Member, Wapello County Republican Central Committee

Member, West End Neighborhood Watch

IHCC Student Senator

Member, Wapello County Historical Society

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