RESULTS OF THE GPAC SCIENTIFIC POLL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ General Facts: * Given over a period of four hours * Taken anonymously by students, faculty, and staff of both IHCC and BVU * 114 participants * Poll covered variety of topics, from politics to sports to campus life * Margin of error=1.25% TOPIC: IRAQ 1) Did you support the war before it happened? 68% Yes 23% No 9% Not Sure 2) Were you surprised that the war went at the speed that it did? 44% Yes 52% No 4% Not Sure 3) Do you believe that Iraq will eventually build a strong democratic government? 14% Yes 42% No 44% Not Sure 4) Do you believe that Saddam Hussein is dead? 7% Yes 66% No 27% Not Sure TOPIC: PRESIDENT BUSH AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 5) Do you believe that President Bush is doing a favorable job as President? 62% Yes 26% No 12% Not Sure 6) Do you believe that President Bush is doing all he can to defend America from terrorism? 54% Yes 31% No 15% Not Sure 7) Do you believe that President Bush is considering use of force against Syria? 46% Yes 15% No 39% Not Sure 8) Do you agree with oil drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge(ANWR)? 33% Yes 42% No 25% Not Sure TOPIC: ELECTION 2004 (Questions 9-17) Matchups between Bush and possible Democratic nominees for President: President Bush(Rep.)-65% v. Mass. Senator John Kerry(Dem.)-35% President Bush(Rep.)-60% v. North Carolina Senator John Edwards(Dem.)-40% President Bush(Rep.)-69% v. Vermont Governor Howard Dean(Dem.)-31% President Bush(Rep.)-68% v. Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich(Dem.)-32% President Bush(Rep.)-62% v. Missouri Representative Richard Gephardt(Dem.)-38% President Bush(Rep.)-69% v. Reverend Al Sharpton(Dem.)-31% President Bush(Rep.)-69% v. Former Illinois Senator Carol Mosley-Braun(Dem.)-31% President Bush(Rep.)-65% v. Conn. Senator Joesph Lieberman(Dem.)-35% TOPIC: SPORTS 18) Do you like baseball? 76% Yes 23% No 1% Not Sure 19) If so, please state favorite team: Cubs: 29% Cardinals: 22% Braves: 12% Yankees: 5% Royals: 5% Twins: 5% Mariners: 3% Giants: 3% Expos: 3% Red Sox: 2% Dodgers: 2% Reds: 2% White Sox: 2% Rangers: 1% Indians: 1% Phillies: 1% Iowa Cubs: 1% IHCC Falcons: 1% 20) Do you think Pete Rose should be allowed into the Hall of Fame? 60% Yes 14% No 26% Not Sure 21) Do you like NASCAR? 36% Yes 58% No 6% Not Sure Click here to view more results... |