Course Serial: |
BS300 |
Title: |
Numerical Analysis |
Credits Hrs: |
3 (2+ 1) |
Pre-requisite: |
Nil |
Text Books: |
1. “Numerical methods for Engineers”, by Steven. C. Chapra/Raymond P. Canale. 2. “Numerical Analysis”, by Dr. S.A Bhatti. 3. “Applied Numerical Analysis”, by Gerald/Wheatley. |
Reference Books: |
1. “Numerical Mathematics”, by Jerome C.R Li. 2. “Computer Applications of Numerical Methods”, by Kuo. |
Goals/Objectives: |
The main aim of this course is to provide students with the adequate understanding of numerical methods that must be useful in solving various practical engineering related problems. |
Topics of the Course: |
Basic Introductory Concepts: Mathematical Modelling, Approximation and errors, Error Definitions (Round-off error, Truncation Error, Error Propagation, Total Numerical Error). Taylor Series.
Roots (Zeros) of Equation: Bracketing Methods: Graphical Methods, Bisection method, False Position Method, Quasi Linearization, Open Methods: Simple One-point Iteration technique, The Newton-Raphson Method, The Secant Method, Systems of Nonlinear equations.
Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations: Guass Elimination technique (Linear Equations, Non-linear Equations, Complex Systems), Error Analysis and System Condition, iterative Techniques (Guass Siedel Technique, Jacobi method, System Over Relaxation (SOR)), Inversion of Matrix using Guass Elimination/Guass-Siedel Techniques. Matrix factorization (LU-decomposition, Crout Decomposition), Banded System.
Curve Fitting: Least Squares Regression: Linear regression, Polynomial regression, Multiple linear regression, Nonlinear regression, Interpolation Methods: Newton’s Divided Difference interpolating polynomials, Lagrange Interpolation and Spline Interpolation.
Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical methods for Integrations: Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s Rule, and Integration with unequal segments. Differentiation Numerical Methods: Richardson’s Extrapolation.
Ordinary Differential Equations: Numerical Solution of 1st and 2nd order ODE, Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta Method (Simple and Adaptive step size control). |