March Sunshine
Welcome to the March 99 Mommies Web Page!! Come take a look at all the mommies and be sure to click on the pictures and it will take you to their babies webpage!
Screen name: hklcKaren is mommy to Ryan, Rebekah & Haylee
Screen name:BCHostLilActionJulie is mommy to Jaxen Cole& little girl on the way! :)
Screen name: angiesgirlAngie is mommy to Cody & Natalie
Screen name: Alecsmom1Melissa is mommy to Alec Reid
Screen name: mcmasMary Cathryn is mommy to Mason
Screen name: jlc248Jennifer is mommy to Autumn Noelle
Screen name: CYBERRANDRandy is mommy to Katie & Sallie
Screen name: lauradwebbLaura is mommy to Nathan
Screen name: becbecmomChelle is mommy to Ryan & Rebecca
Screen name: patdanThis is Patty's son Daniel (no mom picture yet)
Screen name: allibaby99Karli is mommy to Allison Jaine
Screen name: riminiMichelle is mommy to Nicholas
Screen name: momsmynameTraci is mommy to Zachary, Braden, Haley & Logan
Screen name: hannahevesmomJudy is mommy to Hannah Eve
Screen name: rebecca76Rebecca is mommy to Suzanah
Screen name: DjacobaMichelle is mommy to Kai
Screen name: russbabyLorraine is mommy to Russell
Screen name: lisastubbsLisa is mommy to Victoria
Screen name: mom2jakeJill is mommy to Jake
Screen name: donnagirlJoanne is mommy to Carly & Tom
Screen name: spottiecatLiz is mommy to Julianne
Screen name: zandersmom1Margaret is mommy to Alexander
Screen name: ltlbooLeeann is mommy to Taylor & Anthony
Screen name: ReganKRegan is mommy to Alex & Josh
Screen name: evelynboyEvelyn is mommy to Nicholas
Screen name: Vesta5Lynn is mommy to Nicole, Kitty & Mark
Screen name: Karen2Karen is mommy to Ryan & Colin
Screen name: sethjbmomMeghan is mommy to Seth
Screen name: DeeceTracy is mommy to Jake
Screen name: AmberWychAmber is mommy to Hunter
Screen name: poopypantsX2 Marcia is mommy to Angela & Rebecca
Screen name: philippaPhilippa is mommy to Adrian
Screen name: snoozerStacy is mommy to Julia
Screen name: DEBBY034Debby is mommy to Jessilyn
Screen name: Marisas_Mom Donna is mommy to Marisa
Click here for Babycenter March 99BBS