Hi! My name is Lindsey,
and I am so glad that you dropped by to visit me! I love to go on the web; but it was pretty hard and I needed a lot of help, so with my mom's help, we made Lindsey's Place!!! I am the editor and only the things I want to be in Lindsey's Place are here.
Now that I'm getting bigger, I
like to be independant, (yes, I know a lot of really big words!) but sometimes my Cerebral Palsy makes it hard. Besides that, it's not a big deal. I do just about everything that my big brothers; Rob and Andy and my big sister Kim does. Sometimes we just find a different way to do it! We like to play baseball; football; video games and a whole lot of things.
Everyone says that I'm a Zorro-aholic! I don't know why, just because I get a spatula and make believe that I'm Zorro and my brother Andy is Don Raphael! (Spatula's are easier for me to hold-see; I told ya; we just find a different way!!! :) Last Updated: 2/25/01
My new favorite: WWF Wrestler;
Grand Master Sexay!