“Matthew, do you take Julie to be your wife?” asked the Reverend. “Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her so long as you both shall live?” 

“I do,” he said. 

“Julie, do you take Matthew to be your husband?” the Reverend went on. “Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him so long as you both shall live?” 

“I do,” she said. 

The Reverend turned to his left. “The ring, please.” 

“Here ya go,” Josef said proudly, holding up the little lace pillow above his head he handed the ring to Brian who gave it to the Reverend. 

The Reverend took the ring and placed it on his Bible, then turned back to the couple.

“Matthew, take Julie’s ring and place it on her finger,” he instructed, “and repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed.” 

Matthew looked into Julie’s eyes. “With this ring, I thee wed.” 

“Matthew and Julie, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows and this ring. I now declare you husband and wife.” He grinned. “Congratulations, you may kiss your bride.”

Matthew wrapped his arms around Julie in a loving embrace and tenderly pressed his lips to hers. The congregation began clapping as they broke apart. “I love you” he whispered to his new wife. “I love you too,” she said back.

Before long, the reception was over. Matthew and Julie boarded the train for St. Louis where they would spend their honeymoon. Michaela was looking very tired, so Sully decided it was time to head home. 

Michaela took it easy for the next few weeks. It felt good not to have to do anything except care for herself and her family. Colleen and Andrew had told her they would care for the clinic from then until the baby was born, so she didn’t have any work to do. 

On October 12, her contractions began, three months early.

Michaela tried to wake Sully. She shook his arm gently. "Sully? Are you awake?"

Sully turned over to face her and slowly opened his eyes, squinting due to the light. "Mm? What is it?" he asked sleepily.

"I'm having contractions," she said quietly. 

Sully sat up abruptly. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." She pulled back the covers a bit. “Sully it’s too early. This can’t be happening now.” 

Sully was worried also, but tried to stay calm so that Michaela wouldn’t be upset. He ken that she need to stay calm. “It’s alright, we’ll go to the clinic and Andrew can check you. Maybe it’s one of those false labor things.”

Sully hitched the wagon and got Michaela settled. Then he ran to tell Brian where they were going. Brian had decided to stay in Colorado until after the baby was born, and had been staying in his old room since Matthew’s wedding. After making sure that Michaela was as comfortable as possible in the back of the wagon, Sully headed to town. Throughout the entire ride, Michaela continued to experience contractions. "Oh...oh no!" Michaela shouted.

Sully turned around to find Michaela frantically patting the quilt she was lying on. He noticed the wet spot on the quilt and immediately knew what had happened. He fought to remain calm. "Michaela, calm down...its ok." 

"No its not! Sully...my water broke!" She knew now that there was no stopping it. This baby was going to be born. She cried and Sully tried to comfort her, but what could he say? He knew also that their baby was going to be born to early. He wasn’t sure what could be done, but by the look of pain and sorrow on his wife’s face, he knew it wasn’t good. All he could do now was get to the clinic as soon as he could.

When they arrived at the clinic, Sully had to almost drag his wife inside. She was in so much pain. Her labor had progressed very quickly. Colleen and Andrew had waken from her screams and rushed downstairs. They immediately went to work to stop the labor, but when they heard that her water had already broken, they prepared for delivery.

As another contraction hit, Michaela tried to breathe through it, she tried to think of anything else, but she shook her head and writhed in pain.

Sully's talked her through it, "You're fine, Michaela. You're fine."

I AM NOT FINE!!!" she yelled. “Sully our baby… it’s too soon…”That’s all she could say during the entire labor. As a doctor, she knew that the chances of her baby being born alive were very slim. And if it was born, the chances of survival were even less. She fought every contraction, knowing that each one was killing her baby. 

Sully could tell she was fighting. He tried to get her to be calm, but he felt her pain. Andrew and Colleen had explained the baby’s chances. They had also told him that if she didn’t stop fighting, it would be harder on her. Sully had never been so scared. He had almost lost Michaela only a few months before and now he was facing that again. He was also about to lose another child. He didn’t know if he could handle that, so he concentrated on keeping Michaela focused.

By the time morning came, she felt like passing out. She seriously thought that she was going to die with her baby. She didn’t want to die, to leave Sully, but fighting the labor had taken it’s toll on her. She had lost a lot of blood, and was very weak. She took a deep breath, knowing she probably didn't have much longer. "Sully...," she whispered weakly. "I love you."

"No...don't go talking like that. It's almost here. You can do it!" he assured her. 

"I can't!" she cried. "I can't anymore. Don't make me, please!"

Both parents were crying as were Colleen and Andrew. Andrew had considered a cesarean procedure, but now it was too late. The baby was almost out. The best thing for both mother and child was for the baby to be born soon.