“Sully!” Michaela woke with a start. How could she forget something this important? 

“Michaela? What’s wrong? Are ya still fellin bad?”

“No Sully, I’m actually doing much better now that I think about it.”

“Well that why are ya sweatin and actin like the world is endin?” Sully didn’t mean to make fun of her feelings, but he couldn’t think of anything that was worth this much fuss and worry. As long as she was healthy.

“Sully I was supposed to sign the papers for the land for the hospital yesterday. What am I going to do? If I don’t get that land, I won’t be able to build the hospital. And the groundbreaking ceremony is already scheduled. I can’t cancel on all those people!”

Sully of course was always there to comfort her. “Michaela, slow down before you make your self sick. I’m sure that Mr. Roberts will understand. We’ll go see Matthew and sign the papers and then send em to Mr. Roberts in Denver. Everything will be fine. He wasn’t expectin em till next week anyway. Remember?”

“Oh Sully what would I do without you?”

“Probably drive yourself mad.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Now get dressed. If we’re gonna see Matthew before we see Andrew, we better get goin.”

Michaela was about to argue about seeing Andrew, after all she felt fine, but when she sat up her face went pale and her stomach did somersaults. This did not go unnoticed by Sully who was getting dressed.

“Michaela are you alright?” But he knew she wasn’t.

“I’m going to be sick.”

Sully brought over the bed pan and Michaela vomited.

“That’s it. Get dressed. We’re goin to see Andrew right now. Let me get the kids ready real quick. I’ll be right back.”

“Sully what about the kids breakfast? They have to eat.”

“We’ll drop em off with Susanna and she can take em over to Grace’s. Now get dressed.”

Michaela felt weak, but slowly managed to dress without being sick. When Sully returned he noticed her pale complexion and carried her to the wagon. He returned with the children and the family headed to town.

Michaela spent the entire ride with her head on Sully’s shoulder. She felt miserable and the bumpy wagon ride wasn’t making things any better. After dropping the kids off with Susanna, Michaela and Sully headed over to the clinic. 

Colleen was sitting at her mother’s desk when they arrived. “Ma! You look terrible!”

“Just goes to match how I feel.” The doctor was feeling very irritable and just wanted to get to a bed.

Not wanting to reveal anything Sully simply said “We came by to see Andrew. To make sure your ma’s alright.”

“Well Andrew had to go over to the Gold Nugget. One of the girls was fellin bad. But I can check you. Is that alright ma?”

“Yes that’s fine. You are a wonderful doctor. But maybe you should know my diagnosis first……I think I may be pregnant.”

“Ma that’s great!”

“Well, yes, but I’m not totally sure.”

“You lie down and I’ll examine you. Sully why don’t you wait outside?”

“Ok. I’ll just go check on the kids. Make sure they’re eatin.” He kissed his wife, said I love you and then walked out the door. 

When Sully got back to the clinic, Michaela was just walking out. Her smile let him know that her hunch had been right. They were going to have another baby! Sully picked up his wife and as they shared a passionate kiss, he spun her around. When they finally broke apart, Michaela was the first to speak

“January!” was all she said, but Sully was concerned

“Is everything ok. I mean, why have ya been so sick?”

“Colleen says everything looks fine. Some people are sick the first few months.”

“Yea, but you’ve never been this ill.”

“Sully everything is fine. I’ll be okay. Now lets go see Matthew about those papers.”

The happy couple walked as close as they possibly could over to Matthew’s office. After Matthew reassured his mother that everything would be alright, they left. Since she was felling ok, Sully agreed to let Michaela work for a few hours. 

Michaela was sitting at her desk when she first felt it. At first, it was a small cramp. Perhaps it was indigestion, she thought. Then came another, more severe. Immediately, she recognized the sensation and placed both hands on her belly.

“No, God, please” she thought to herself. 

Michaela tried to breathe regularly, steadily. Indigestion, she told herself. Then another cramp gripped her. More than a cramp. A sharp pain. She tried to stand, hoping to get to a bed, but ended up on the floor, gripping her abdomen. 

“Colleen” she yelled for her daughter.