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“Katie says… that when.. Colleen married… Andrew that she moved far…away. And Brian married Sarah…. and now he… far…. away… too.” “Oh Joe, Colleen and Andrew went away so that she could learn to be a doctor. Then she came back. And Brian is coming back for the wedding.” “But Whats about Matthew? He goin ta go away too.” “No Joe. Matthew and Julie are stayin right here in Colorado Springs. There is nothing to worry about” “Ya Promise?” “Yes I promise. Now what do ya want for breakfast?” AS Sully and Josef placed the food on the table, Katie arrived with the youngest of the Sully children. The twins, Christopher and Melissa, were seven months old. “Thanks for getttin em ready Katie. You are such a big help.” “No problem poppy. I love em so much.” “I know ya do.” After their breakfast, Sully hitched the wagon and drove Katie to the schoolhouse. “Have a good day at school” Sully called as Katie jumped from the wagon “I’ll be back ta pick ya up later.” “Ok Poppy. I love you.” “I love you too darlin” “Bye Poppy!” Katie called as she ran to meet her friends “Bye Joe! Bye Chris! Bye Missy girl!” As soon as Sully saw that Katie had made it safely to the schoolhouse, he headed towards town. His first stop was the Mercantile. Loren’s wife Susanna was the Sully nanny sent from Boston by Mrs. Quinn after the twins were born. Susanna had lived at the homestead, but the love between her and Loren quickly grew and they were married. She had worried about leaving while the babies were so young, but Michaela and Sully insisted that it would be no problem. After all, they had wanted to raise their children on their own. Susanna had simply been there when they needed something. From that point on, Susanna watched the children during the day. Sully dropped off the children and headed off to complete his other tasks. He stopped by Matthews to let him know Michaela was ill and couldn’t help with the planning today. He of course understood and went to find Julie. Sully then went by the clinic and made sure Andrew was available to check on Michaela tomorrow. Even if she did feel well, Sully knew he was going to make her see Andrew in the morning. After working with Robert E Sully headed home with a basket Grace had prepared. Michaela practically devoured the food Sully brought home. “Slow down” Sully cautioned “You shouldn’t push your stomach like that.” “I know, but I’m soo hungry.” Well Sully was right. Soon after the meal was complete, Michaela lost the lunch all over the bed. “Oh Sully I’m sorry. I guess you were right.” “That’s ok. Why don’t you sit in the rocker while I clean this up. Then you can nap again. You’re lookin awfully pale.” Michaela felt too ill to speak, so she just nodded her head. As soon as she stood, she felt dizzy and collapsed in Sully’s arms. As soon as he put new sheets on the bed, Sully helped Michaela lie down. “Now I’m goin to get Andrew.” “Sully that’s not necessary. I’ll be fine” “Michaela, you’re not fine. Ya can’t go on like this. Somthin is wrong. I can’t stand ta see ya like this anymore.” “Sully please, don’t get Andrew…. Not yet.” “But…” “Please Sully hear me out.” Sully came around to his side of the bed and sat next to his wife. She continued “I didn’t want to tell you because I’m not sure but…” she hesitated but then realized that she had to tell him or he would get Andrew and she didn’t need that fuse right now. So she came right out with it “I think I’m pregnant.” With one glance at Sully’s stunned gaze, she knew she had to continue “Now I’m not sure, but I have all the symptoms…of course it could be the change…I not too young for that…of course, the nausea doesn’t fit with that diagnosis….:” Sully was sure she would continue to ramble if he didn’t stop her, so he cut in “Michaela slow down. A baby would make me more than happy, you know that, but I really thing I should go get Andrew so we can be sure.” “Sully I am pretty sure, but I agree I need Andrew’s conformation….But can it wait till morning. I see no reason why after a good night’s rest I can’t see Andrew and then continue with the wedding plans.” Sully was worried sick, but knew Michaela was serious about this “Fine. But first thing we do tomorrow is go to the clinic. If there is no baby, there has to be somethin we can do ta make ya feel well.” After this conversation, Michaela fell asleep. She woke long enough to visit with her children when they arrived home. But fell back to sleep shortly after that. She slept through dinner and didn’t wake when Sully came to bed. He was getting very worried about his wife. He prayed that she would be ok. Then he crawled into bed and held her close. She barely stirred, but snuggled in his arms. CONTINUED “Sully!” Michaela woke with a start. How could she forget something this important? “Michaela? What’s wrong? Are ya still fellin bad?” “No Sully, I’m actually doing much better now that I think about it.” “Well that why are ya sweatin and actin like the world is endin?” Sully didn’t mean to make fun of her feelings, but he couldn’t think of anything that was worth this much fuss and worry. As long as she was healthy. “Sully I was supposed to sign the papers for the land for the hospital yesterday. What am I going to do? If I don’t get that land, I won’t be able to build the hospital. And the groundbreaking ceremony is already scheduled. I can’t cancel on all those people!” Sully of course was always there to comfort her. “Michaela, slow down before you make your self sick. I’m sure that Mr. Roberts will understand. We’ll go see Matthew and sign the papers and then send em to Mr. Roberts in Denver. Everything will be fine. He wasn’t expectin em till next week anyway. Remember?” “Oh Sully what would I do without you?” “Probably drive yourself mad.” “I love you.” “I love you too. Now get dressed. If we’re gonna see Matthew before we see Andrew, we better get goin.” |