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Colleen let out a small moan as she hard Brian's voice yelling from outside. "Brian!" She began to become more awake and feared that Brian may be in trouble. She jumped out of bed, quick tied her robe around her and ran out the homestead door into the cool morning air. Colleen could see her breath as she ran up behind Brian. "Brian?!" She yelled with a hint of worry in her voice. "Colleen! Look!" His eyes were wide and bright with excitement. He had a huge grin on his face. "Brian what are ya...?" "It's Pup, Colleen.. It doesn't look like em but it's Pup!" Brian interrupted her all the while petting the wolf's fur. "Are ya sure?" Colleen was a little cautious at the site of this animal. "Yeah.. look. He had a patch on the back of his neck and this one has the same patch. See where all the rest of the fur is gray.. this is white?!" Brian pointed out. "It is Pup!" Colleen smiled. Brian needed the happiness. He had been missing Dr. Mike and Sully ever since they left. They had missed them, but not as much as Brian. Luckily they would be coming home soon. "What's the matter?" Matthew came running up behind Colleen. "Matthew! Look, it's Pup! He came back!" Brian explained to his brother with a wider grin on his face. "Well look at that. I guess he ain't such a dumb dog after all!" Matthew gave a half grin and he messed up his little brother's hair. ************************* Sully arose as the sun was coming up from behind the Rockies. He looked down at Michaela who was deep in sleep, snuggled upclose to his body with his arms strongly held around her. He smiled at her beauty before bringing her even closer to him. He enjoyed just laying next to her watching her sleep. Michaela stirred a little when Sully pulled her close, but never once did she open her eyes. After a couple minutes he decided to try and get some more sleep also. He buried his head in the curve of her neck and shoulder. Sully kissed her neck and softly whispered "I love you." before falling back to sleep. ************ Michaela could see in the early hours of the morning her children wide awake. Colleen running out from the homestead yelling for Brian. "Oh, no what's happened?" Michaela tried to run after Colleen but she could only stay put. She could only sit and watch the scene infront of her. Colleen reached Brian and he turns around with a wide grin. There is a wolf by Brian, but Brian isn't scared. Why? Michaela thought. The sun was high in the sky when Michaela fluttered her eyes open. She couldn't understand what the dream meant but she didn't feel right about it. She quickly leaned over to her other side and wrapped her arms around Sully. She needed to be near him now. He began to stir moments after she held him. "I'm sorry.. did I wake you?" Michaela was sincere. "No, ya didn't wake me. I needed ta get up and I can't sleep when you don't sleep with me." Sully grinned. "Good." She simply said before leaning in for a leasurely kiss. Moments later she backed away as Sully placed his finger on her swollen lips. She smiled back at him before pulling the warm covers off of her and placing her feet on the floor. With her back to Sully her face grew deep in thought. Why had she had that dream? What did it mean? "Michaela?" Sully touched her arm lovingly. When she didn't respond, he grew worried. He pulled himself up and moved over to lean his head on Michaela's shoulder. "Michaela? What's wrong." Sully rubbed his hands up and down her arms. "Hmhh? Oh it's nothing. I don't want to bother you." Michaela said glumly. Sully pulled Michaela back up on the bed and placed the covers back over her. She was caught off guard but enjoyed it nonetheless. "Tell me?" He demanded sweetly as he looked into her eyes. "Ya know there's nothin' ya can't tell me. I'm yer husband now and you are very important to me." Michaela blushed slightly. He was always so caring towards others. "Well, I know it's silly but.. I had a dream and I don't know what it means, it worries me, but it's just a dream. "They Cheyenne say that dreams either tell something from your past or your present. There is no such thing as a dream fer no reason. What was it about?" Sully was sincere. He really wanted to know what was troubling Michaela. "Well, I was standing infront of the homestead, like I was looking towards the house. It was just before dawn when I see the homestead door swing open and Colleen is running out yelling. Her face is full of fear. She's yelling for Brian. I look around and I can't see him anywhere, but Colleen see's him. I try to run after her but I can't move all I can do is see the scene infront of me." Michaela's eyes start to fill with tears at the thought of being so helpless. "Michaela, it's alright. What happened?" Sully comforted her and urged her to go on. "Well Colleen found Brian by the barn, his face is bright and he's smiling. Colleen looks at him confused and then she smiles. There's a wolf there, but it's not wolf. I don't know what it was.. but Brian was petting it as he talked with Colleen. Then Matthew runs out of the homestead and starts smiling after seeing Brian. I can't make out what they're saying, but thats when I woke up. What does it mean?" Michaela looked to Sully for an answer. "Well, has this ever happened before?" Sully asked trying to narrow down the explaination. "No, I don't think so." "WEll then it must be a dream about the present. Maybe this hapened while we are away. I can't tell ya what it all means, but I know it's not somethin bad cause ya woke up with them smilin." Sully reassured her. "You're right Sully." Michaela relaxed as he held her close. "Ya know I had a dream in the sweat lodge before I asked ya ta marry me?" Sully brought up the subject. "You did? What was it?" Michaela was curious. CONTINUED |